neil. don't you dare talk back to me! it's bad enough that you've wasted your time with this, this absurd acting business. but you deliberately deceived me! how, how, how did you expect to get away with this? answer me. who put you up to it? was it this new man? this, uh, mr. keating? did you think i wasn't going to find out? "oh, my niece is in a play with your son," says mrs. marks. "no, no, no," i say, "you must be mistaken. my son's not in a play." you made me a liar of me, neil! now, tomorrow you go to them and you tell them that you're quitting. i don't care if the world comes to an end tomorrow night. you are through with that play. is that clear? is that clear? i made a great many sacrifices to get you here, neil, and you will not let me down. excuse me, i'm neil's father. i need to see him. excuse me. excuse me. excuse me. get in the car. keating, you stay away from my son. we're trying very hard to understand why it is that you insist on defying us. whatever the reason, we're not gonna let you ruin your life. tomorrow i'm withdrawing you from welton and enrolling you in braden military school. you're going to harvard and you're gonna be a doctor. oh, stop it. don't be so dramatic. you make it sound like a prison term. you don't understand, neil. you have opportunities that i never even dreamt of and i am not going to let you waste them. what? what? tell me what you feel. what is it? is it more of this, this acting business? because you can forget that. what? nothing? well, then, let's go to bed. it's all right. it's going to be all right. what was that? that sound. neil. neil? no! oh, neil! oh, my god! oh, my son! my son! my poor son! stop it! stop it! stop it.