"to the virgins, to make much of time"? "gather ye rosebuds while ye may, old time is still a flying, and this same flower that smiles today, tomorrow will be dying." that was weird. me. the danburry's? who are the danburry's? that's too bad. all the good ones go for jerks, you know that. we got it. no sir. science experiment, radar. where's this cave he's talking about? that's miles. i don't know neil what is this, a midnight study group? oh god. clowns. i'm eating the other half. you want me to put it back? "in a mean abode in the shanking road, lived a man named william bloat. now, he had a wife, the plague of his life, who continually got his goat. and one day at dawn, with her nightshift on, he slit her bloody throat." oh, and it gets worse. take center stage. "oh to struggle against great odds. to meet enemies undaunted." "oh to struggle against great odds. to meet enemies undaunted." puck? your parents collect pipes? oh, that's really interesting. it's chris. here's a picture of chris for you. duh. it's a lamp, meeks. charlie, what are you doing? that was nice. that was great. where did you learn to play like that? nuwanda? yeah. uh, i might be going to yale. uh, uh, but, i, i might not. you didn't. spaghetti and meatballs! what'd she say? come here, knox. beautiful baby. he said something about getting red before we left. i, uh-- well, you know charlie. calm down. todd, it's okay. it's okay, todd. twice. how do you mean? about what?