thank you. todd anderson. my brother went here. nice to meet you. thanks. uh, no, no i, uh, i've got some history i wanna do. no. yes, but- keating said that everybody took turns reading and i don't want to do that. n- no, i don't have a problem. neil, i just- i just don't want to do it, okay? that's not how it works. what? what are you gonna do, go up and ask them? no. no, neil. neil, neil! you found what? "a midsummer night's dream"? what is this? i know that. i-- wh-wh-what does it have to do with you? yes, so? neil, neil, hold on a minute. how are you gonna be in a play if your father won't let you? yeah, but won't he kill you if he finds out you went to an audition and didn't even tell him? well, that's impossible. well, why don't you just call him and ask him? and m-maybe he'll say yes. yeah, but if he said-- i don't know. maybe. w-what is that supposed to mean? so- you want me out? well, listen, neil. i-i appreciate this concern, but i-i'm not like you. all right? you, you, you say thing and people listen. i'm, i'm not like that. no! i--i, i don't know, but that's not the point. the, the, the point is that there's nothing you can do about it, so you can just butt out. i can take care of myself just fine. all right? what do you mean, "no"? give me-- neil. neil, give that back. neil, how are you gonna do this? you're not gonna write it. oh, neil. neil, you're crazy. i, i didn't do it. i didn't write a poem. a yawp? yawp. yawp. yawp. yawp! a m-m-madman. a c-crazy madman. uh, uh, a sweaty-toothed madman. uh, i-i close my eyes. uh, and this image floats beside me. a sweaty-toothed madman with a stare that pounds my brain. h-his hands reach out and choke me. and, and all the time he's mumbling. m-mumbling, "truth. truth is like, like a blanket that always leaves your feet cold." y-y-y-you push it, stretch it, it'll never be enough. you kick at it, beat it, it'll never cover any of us. from the moment we enter crying to the moment we leave dying, it will just cover your face as you wail and cry and scream. hey. nothing. today's my birthday. thanks. my parents gave me this. yeah, yeah. they gave me the same thing as last year. oh. maybe they weren't thinking about anything at all. uh, the funny thing is about this is i, i didn't even like it the first time. or a car. oh, my! come on, nuwanda. you're gonna miss neil's entrance. w-what is that? oh, come on, charlie. the girls are waiting. neil! neil! oh, charlie. what is it? it's so beautiful. he wouldn't-- he wouldn't have done it. it was his father! he wouldn't have left us. it's because he- he wouldn't have. his dad was-- his, his father did it. his father killed him. he made him do it. that is not true, cameron. you know that. he didn't put us to anything. neil loved acting. meeks? what happened to nuwanda? what'd you tell 'em? mom. yes, sir. what's gonna happen to mr. keating? uh, in the, in the pr- in the, in the, in the pritchard? mr. keating! they made everybody sign it. you gotta believe me. it's true. but it wasn't his fault! o captain! my captain!