buggy ding-dong, still in his rhinette costume, settles into his assassin's roost. he begins to assemble the rifle and check the scope. buggy finishes loading the rifle. he shines the barrel with his sleeve and looks through the scope as smoochy and company continue to perform below. buggy aims the rifle. buggy, in position again, looks through the rifle scope. randolph reaches the catwalk as the orchestra plays a dramatic series of smashing notes. he tackles buggy just as he squeezes off the shot. randolph tries to get the rifle away from buggy. they struggle on a narrow beam high above the rink. the cops have reached the outer edge of the catwalk now. tommy and the boys get there a second later. they all stand back -- the catwalk is too unstable. tommy and his boys runs off to find sheldon. the cops help randolph off the catwalk. he's a nervous wreck.