'we'll get that monkey off your back, yes we will, yes we will we'll get that monkey off your back, yes we will' thanks, fellas. i'm rooting for you! angelo, you were always my favorite krinkle kid. the way you'd click your heels during the 'jellybean jam.' real artistry. i'm honored to have you as a rhinette. hiya, kids! it's gonna be a fantabulous day in smoochyland!! 'ohhhh. it's a fantabulous day in smoochy-land. let's have a great big cheer for the smoochy-land band. we'll dance with our jungle pals, won't that be grand. oh, it's a fantabulous day in smoochy- land!' boy, all that jiggyin' and ziggyin' sure makes a fella hungry! now if only i had my super duper, super secret, super special. right-o-riffic! magic cookie bag, i command thee! come to your lord and master! 'lookie, lookie, lookie, here comes the cookies! fresh and organic, no need to panic! right from the soil, no tropical oils! sweetened with juice, for an energy boost! fiber galore, you'll be askin' for more' oooh. just the smell of unprocessed flour makes my tummy do somersaults! his puffy orange hand reaches for the bag's clasp as the music reaches its crescendo. he reaches into the bag, and with a grand flourish, pulls out a flaming red penis cookie. the cookie is somewhat misshapen and not perfectly formed. smoochy gets a big grin. wow! look at this cookie, kids! a rocket ship! boy, wasn't that fun? in an awkward kind of way? anyhoo, how 'bout a big round of applause for the newest member of the smoochyland band. former heavyweight contender, spinner dunn! 'well, how-do-you-do, my good friends! how do-you-do, my pals! it's so nice to see good friends! sing along with me now! how do you do, my good -- ' thank you. it's good to be back. you know, kids, sometimes life in the jungle can be unfair. a place where nice guys don't just finish last. they get their heads cut off. that pretty world you think you know is just props and scenery. lollipop trees with roots in venom! so look around you, boys and girls. every day. be diligent! stand strong! as the old proverb says: beat a dog one time too many and you get a wolf! let's start howling! howl for me, boys and girls! okay, i just wanted to get that off my chest. who wants to do the hokey-pokey?! take it from me, lester. use your power. don't squander it -- build with it. looks like a street performer of some sort. 'so three cheers for the man that i proudly call stan. he's not quite a dad or a brother. yes, he gets cross, but still he's the boss. and besides he takes care of my mother!' remember, kids. first impressions, good or bad, are not always what they seem. just like a new puppy, new dads need to adjust to their surroundings. so give 'em time! but always remember. if he becomes abusive to you or mommy. what are the magic numbers? right-o-riffic! and now, boys and girls, i have a special surprise. i'd like to introduce the newest member of the magic jungle. my cousin. moochy the rhino! howdy, moochy! welcome to the jungle! you wanna say howdy to the kids? moochy? that's right. we've established that. on behalf of myself, the rhinettes, and the soon to be restored coney island methadone center, i thank you all for coming. it was my original intention that tonight's performance would be a benign mix of smoochy songs and ice dancing. but as an artist, i believe i must convey to you, my fans, what i'm feeling at any given moment in my life. to do otherwise would be dishonest. art is communication. it's something we learn and hopefully grow from. with that in mind. i hope you enjoy the show.