is standing at the end of a long conference table as the network brass glares at him. gentlemen, let me be the first to say, in all sobriety, that i'm as shocked and outraged as all of -- well, sir, i'm currently in the process of compiling a list of viable replacements and it's my hope. bumble bee billy? square dance danny? skippy black and the tippy trolls? before indulging such cheery fantasies, let's just concentrate on saving my job. shall we? what's going on with sheldon mopes these days. sap's just the pill we need right now. mopes is a straight arrow. always has been. the truth of the matter is, a successful children's show has always depended on two simple elements: a fuzzy costume and a lot of hype. strip away the foam rubber and the network money and they're all jokes. marginal talents. cabaret acts. off- broadway runoff. and each one a moral question mark. something i can't risk at the moment. except ethics. with mopes, there's never been a whiff of controversy. the man's an ethical, harmless, cornball. in short, a glass of milk on two legs. go find smoochy. i agreed to meet you, didn't i? i had a dinner engagement. don't start, randolph. please. are you through? i think it's fair to say we helped each other. there's nothing i can do for you. nothing. you're a pariah. i can't even be seen with you. the ugly truth is, your shoes have become my shoes. as long as the rhino's on the air, everything's by the book. no skim, no percentage. nothing. the network wanted squeaky clean and they got it. and believe me, mopes is sparkling. you're totally broke? you don't have a dime left to your name? we've always managed to come to some sort of arrangement, burke. why the fireworks? what is that, exactly? pardon me for saying this, but for a non-resident of this country, you speak impeccable english. ah. well, it's not that simple. i have an executive board to answer to. i wish i could just snap my fingers and make a deal but -- oh my. and what is this on my desk? gentlemen, i suddenly feel invigorated and full of hope. don't you understand? my hands are tied. the rhino's been exonerated. the show's more popular than ever. all right! i'll take care of it! i just need time! your client is suffocating me. to make matters worse, he's caused me to veer into a hazardous situation. a situation that otherwise could have a very happy ending. they're ruthless. unwavering. unprincipled. and best of all, they know how the game is played. they respect our delicate ecosystem of mutual benefit. i'd bring you in on this, burke. you'd be my partner on the takashi deal. split down the middle. we have an opportunity to get back on track here. back to the way it was. pre-rhinoceros. well, you're used to a little glue on your shoes. things are getting out of hand. we have to cover our tracks. relax? they found merv green's head on the grand concourse! excuse my concern. god help us. buggy? buggy ding-dong? the guy who hosted 'buggy's bumpy railroad'? yeah, until he discovered the joys of turkish black mule heroin. for the right price he'll do anything. it's amazing the guy's still alive. i don't know, burke. this whole thing. buggy. you're looking good. what's he doing here?! he's going to screw everything up! nora, please. it's not what you think. i'm grooming you. you're going to run the division one day. what now? what do we do now?! get out of here! move this thing! are you deaf?! i said --