spinner, come over and meet the senator! my cousin spinner's take quite a shine to you. ever since you came in the restaurant. he can't stop yakkin'. so, i was wondering if maybe you could give him a little floor space. you know, a little part on the show. you're the executive producer now. you call the shots, right? this makes me sad. very, very, sad. nothing. i'm just very sad right now. i don't want to mention names. you're a good boy, mopes. don't think we don't remember favors. what's wrong, kid? the mayor of patterson's here with his wife. they wanna meet ya. haven't seen him. something i can help you with? you wanna tell me about the rhino? danny, go give mr. smiley a little back rub. shel, you gotta help me out. he bangs that goddamn thing from morning till night. i got a headache that goes from my eyes to my ass. give the boy something else to do on the show. anything. just as long as it don't clang, chime or honk. he really loved you, shel. and this i guarantee -- that fucking randolph has seen his last rainbow. we're gonna find him, cut off his balls, and shove 'em up his ass. don't forget -- that hit was meant for you, shel. so from now on, everywhere you go, we go. fine, nothin'. and as christ is my witness, no one's touchin' a hair on your fuckin' head. spinner would have wanted it that way. alright, boys, let's get shit- faced. for spin. big news, shel. it wasn't smiley who killed spinner. it was parade of hope. we did our own investigation. cousin ian from down at the morgue. you met him at the wake. what's that guy's name over there? green? this was one time they shoulda left the tab blank. it's all taken care of, shel. you like kids, huh? so you must know a few fairy tales. danny, tell him the one about the worthless prick who gets his head chopped off. now you know why charities go under sometimes. no more killin', shel. enough's enough. don't destroy who you are for this piece of shit. you mean something to the kids. don't take smoochy away from the kids. you're only human, shel. the important thing is. you never went over the cliff. you're a good boy. for some of us. it's too late. we'll take it from here, kid, you run along with your girl. get on with your life. don't worry. sometimes even a rat deserves a little mercy.