how did you get this number? yes? close on jonathan. what to say? and then: you're rather new to this, aren't you? jonathan falters. she smiles. that's okay. i like that. frankly i'm surprised that whoever gave you access didn't explain more. the initiator is responsible for the room. precisely. how did you get into this? he uploaded your numbers but failed to explain the basics? it's not that, it's just. well, you strike me as something of a stowaway. in fact if i were more suspicious, i'd say you didn't belong here at all. flustered, jonathan's about to offer some explanation --- but obviously somebody felt you did. the notion suddenly registers with jonathan -- wyatt! and i'm a sucker for bashful boys. she takes his wrist, traces a finger over his palm. and removes the key card from his hand. why are any of us doing this? for the economics of the arrangement. it's intimacy without intricacy. jonathan's about to reply -- look, i've got a 7 a.m. breakfast, so. she says no more. jonathan stares up at the ceiling a beat.