take a look at this. the voice sounds youthful, energetic. its owner slides his journal along the floor halfway between the marble division. the japanese are developing a toilet that can analyze your urine for glucose levels, kidney disease, even cancer. they're referring to it as the "super bowl." of course if you've ever been to japan, you know they're nuts about their toilets. i'm talking web sites, symposiums. jonathan chuckles. you think i'm kidding. they have bowls over there that cost more than a piano. what i want to know is how you're supposed to retrieve this analysis - you know, from your super bowl. messer. what department? so you're an accountant? jonathan follows the footsteps, now addresses his stall door. so how's it work, rutherford stern hires worth and berman to give their blessing to our books, and they send you? what about me? ose. i said it's wyatt. wyatt bose. jonathan flushes, buckles his belt, opens his stall door - - only the men's room is now empty. 12:53 a.m. startled, jonathan turns to a well-dressed young man in the' doorway - penetrating eyes, playful smile, familiar voice: