so early, jonathan. we open in one hour. but why else does a young man come home at such an hour? every night working late, working late. ah, you can't fool me. you are mister mischief maker - i know this! you come by later and pick out something for your lady friend, oui? jonathan, for so long i don't see you! work? no, no. you believe you can trick me, mr. mischief maker! i want to meet this lady friend of yours. jonathan is about to protest - ah., ah - ecoutez, i have beautiful winter- roses, just. arrived. she.will swoon. jonathan smiles, but there's a reticence to it. there is no later when it comes to love! if you find it, you must not let it go. there really is no one? jonathan evasively shakes his head. there should be, jonathan. it is not good for a young man to be too much alone. he gives her an uncomfortable smile. she smiles back, but as she heads inside, she looks both-sad and worried for him. jonathan continues up the steps, opens the front door and disappears inside. we remain on the vacant street, hear his footsteps climbing the steps - and then the muted ring of his cell phone. a beat, then another. .and the front door opens again as jonathan steps back out into the night. jonathan, you're home early - only when he looks up, she finds the young man in the overcoat isn't jonathan. it's wyatt. oh - je suis desole. my mistake. wyatt flashes her an icy smile, continues down the steps. solange watches him walk away, a puzzled look on her face. jonathan. he squeezes her hand as she's lifted into the ambulance.