we've got a problem, david. your friend eddie just started bending over for the cops. they busted him, and he's dealing to save his ass. not yet, but he will if he has to, and eventually he'll have to. if we whack him, he definitely won't. nobody said you had to do the dirty work, david. i'll take care of -- you got a tasty wife, david. no wonder you don't want us coming here. i know you never will. why? you don't owe me anything. why not a hundred? give it. now. ten seconds. one. two. six. seven. you want to do it, david? nine. piece of shit! what'd you think? what about you, bar mitzvah body? first time you saw somebody die? you should kill a man some day, david, it's liberating. summer camp. i'm in business with somebody who went to summer camp. ten kilos? you're always late on two. finally some balls on this team. come work for me, john. i'll give you your own franchise. you can supply elias, lean on him when he's late. why? he give you his "designer drugs" pitch. he's never going to do it. he's a shmuck. i'm not talking to you at all. i'm talking to john. shmuck. david, you've been working out, you're getting strong. are you quick, too? come on, i'll give you a shot at me. right here, right now. do this. you know, you slap me, i slap you. come on, it's fun. like summer camp. stay out of this. come on, you can do it, david, you're not a shmuck. slap my hands. just slap them. now it's my turn. no, you went, davey, now it's my turn. first to four wins, like the world series. you remember the rules? if you flinch, i get to hit you. again, shmuck. no, this is two. four. david, i'm sorry. it's a crazy time, and. you know. i'm doing a little too much coca. i'll buy your kid a pony. anything you want. let's forget about it. shut up. i got nothing to give you, my man. i'm an il-liquid son of a bitch. you can have gopher. how about a lawyer? lawyers and spades; i got the trifecta: two dealers and a girl who does their wash. two niggers and a kike; all democrats. when this is over, i'll send you to hawaii, maui. it's very beautiful in maui, it's a very spiritual place. david, you're awake, i'm impressed. i'm sorry about what happened. listen, i'll get you twenty boxes, like you wanted. you were right, you should have what you need. tomorrow night. bring your partner and that girl with the store, betty. i need her advice on something. i want us to have fun, like we used to. we'll go to that shrimp place, okay?. good. me, too, david. yes! i'm sorry for dragging you out so late, but i have to be careful. what is this? he's crazy, david. i thought you were the crazy one, but it's him. no!! don't shoot. don't shoot. he's a cop. he has to be. how else would he have known? i'll give you money. i'll give you a million. anything you want. i can't.