mr. hull. mr. hull. now you know, mr. hull, i was to the welfare this afternoon, but the bus, you know what i'm saying?. the one bus, and then the other, and when i got there they'd gone and changed the time on me, without notification. they's supposed to give notification, ain't they? they said i got a thing in the mail, but i don't remember, i don't think they sent it, so now i'm off the welfare, plus i forgot to take james for his shot. for the school? which otherwise they let him go. and he's gotta learn, he's gotta learn, don't he, mr. hull, you tell him, so's he can better hisself. now, mr. hull, if you just -- you now, i look out for my james best i can, mr. hull, but it's hard. now you like the boy, don't you? i know you do. and i was thinkin' if you wanted to take care of him, that might be good for him. give him a male figure to look up to. if you could just give me something for him. say five thousand dollars. or maybe four thousand. i couldn't give up my boy for less than four thousand. or you could just give me a part now. let me do somethin' for you, mr. hull. let me do a little somethin' for you. i ain't doin' shit. bitch. who lies dead on a floor littered with crack vials. hull picks up a vial, holds it up to the blonde woman with a question.