on the day of the king's castration, all the counts and no accounts were down on the deck with georgia tech taking turns in the back seat. he done done, ain't he? "where's the queen," said the king. "she's in bed with laryngitis." "is that bastard still in town?. fuck the queen," said the king, and ten thousand knights straaaained at their utmost. pina colada times two and a white wine. how you doin', dudley. john, man, right. my man, dudley, he's so fud-ley. so what is it you need so bad, blood? need, need, need?? comin' in the world, dudley. give me a day. stick around, let the bitch hoover you, too. oh, man, i can't go back in there, i just can't. david, this is john, john, david. eddie, this is eddie. everybody ready? nobody's the fuckin' man. go to your place. i'll call you. he's no cop, david. he's an animal. you see his eyes? you never see a cop with those eyes. i know this shit, man, you don't. twenty-six thousand cash is what. we need it, david. we're behind. spread the floor, dudley. a-ga, a-ga, a-ga, a-ga. dudley, dudley, fo-fudley. what are you saying? are you saying me? are you saying something about me? shut up, you little faggot. all right, so what? i mean, so what, man? you got the money. twenty-six g. twenty-six, david. count it. never. never, felix, never. come on, man, you know i'd never. felix, no. don't be. i'm worth money to you. let me give you money. another twenty-six grand. just to show you. fifty. a hundred??? felix. okay, a hundred. tomorrow. twenty-four hours. felix, i need time. i -- i don't have it right now. but i can -- twelve hours. tomorrow morning. grabs the first thing he lays eyes on, a tiny snail fork and plunges it into barbosa's neck.