again. three times four. no. you're adding again, you have to multiply. three and four is seven. three times four is. three times five. damn it. what are you doing here? call me on the phone. did he give us up? i don't think he'd talk about us. he'd try not to. just a second. not yet. let me check on this, first. felix, if he's a problem, we'll kill him. i'll kill him myself. nancy, get out of here. don't talk about her that way. eddie. sure, man, what do you need? i like to know the important customers. you're taking a lot of weight for a guy we hardly know. where're you moving this stuff, john? we haven't seen you around. we like to have a sense who your customers are. eddie, forget this guy, he's a cop. what's going on, eddie? i want him to get it all, eddie. i'm your lawyer. it's pro bono. if you don't want me, there's shelley. she's good. she just can't provide special services. getting your case called first. your honor, i believe the preliminary police toxicology report will show that the substance seized from my client was mannitol, a baby laxative. we move for immediate dismissal. we're out of here, dude. if it hadn't been, asshole, you'd be in jail right now. come on, i want you to meet some people. surprised to see him, eddie? john got busted and kept his mouth shut. can't say that for everybody, can we? the cops made you give them somebody. we know it. next time you might trade us. no. at camp. when i was fourteen. a friend of mine was water skiing. the motorboat ran him over. a junior counsellor was driving. eddie, man. he was always nice to my daughter. the way most drug lawyers do: clients paid me in product, and i had to move it. soon i was doing more dealing than law. but this was '83, '84, there was so much money we thought it would never end. the road gets rougher. cocaine's a dying business. people are always going to want to get high. every society has ways to alter consciousness. we all need our delusions, only the means change: psychedelics, opiates, prayer, orgies, human sacrifice. i know how to make it and market it. but i need capital. that's the only reason i'm hanging out with an asshole like barbosa. and because i can't get to the big guys. gallegos, et cetera. what do you care? anyway, designer drugs have a bad name: ice, ecstasy, tar -- there's a limited market for parkinson's disease. but what about completely safe, almost legal, terrific shit you can go to work on and do your job better than you ever did it straight? in dreams begin responsibilities. some other time, john, when we know each other better. hey, bunnela. five times two. that's my friend, john. this is miranda. nancy, this is john. that's not about you. it's, she's. judgmental about what i do. half we owe you. the other half's on consignment. a token of our esteem. i don't need a partner. i need a salesman. momentito. jacqueline, ho-ney. "who's making love to your old lady. while you're out make love?" how come i like balling black chicks so much? oh, don't mau mau me with the malcolm x shit. tell me you're not chasin' white pussy every chance you get. sure, it'd be the slave fucking the master. hegel talks about it. just like me, but the other way around. everybody digs the other, john. they dig their own, and they dig the other. ooo. you mean with that great big purple dick of yours? i hope not. she'd never be impressed with my little thing again. what does impress her? betty, this is john, my new associate. factory recall. john's going to be a good customer. he does a lot of wash. betty wires the money to a store in aruba in payment for things they never sent her. they deposit the money in a bank there that turns around and loans her money she never has to repay. that way it doesn't turn up as income for the irs. welcome to the laundromat. she doesn't trust you. by all means. john's an ascetic negro; he wants to make sure you know he's not a jungle bunny. but he's got another side. you should seen him on the street the other day with these two usc kids. do the spade bit for her, john. i'm gonna mess you up, muthafugga. come on, john, you do it so well. ah ain't playin', muthafucka. ah ain't playin'. don't fuckin' dis me, muthafucka. fucka. fucka. fucka a. fucka b. fuck b-hive. fucka, fucka, fucka. it wasn't your fault. what could you have done? we have to kill him. or we lose all authority with the other dealers. and one of them'll kill you. you've got to assert now, or you're dead. and if we kill ivy, we control this whole territory. no. if we use chino, it's barbosa who's asserting. it'll be barbosa's territory. it's gotta be us. and if it's us, it's gotta be you. what? now? i want to see you in that alley. randy's a genius. his professor told him he could win the nobel prize. what would it take to manufacture this stuff in quantity? i'm going to put two hundred fifty thousand into your corporate account. you cheat me, randy, i'll use your bladder for a bagpipe. we're going to put barbosa out of business. nice place. nice suit. you pick all this shit out yourself? aw. very nice. understated. i'm impressed. you sold it all? i'll order a couple more keys from barbosa. ten?? i don't want to push it. barbosa'll never let us near him. how do you know? guzman, but he's. don't ask so many questions. having fun? i talked to barbosa. he'll see us now. go fuck yourself. don't talk to me that way. any time, any place. this? what is this? one more. that was two. one more. one more! we're not finished! four was the match. look at me. look at me, damn it! i needed it. they taught me what i needed to know. that i'm not part of them, and i never will be. that they don't respect me. that i don't deserve respect. because i'm a shmuck, john. i'm a shmuck. he wouldn't. fucking a, john. get out of the car. yes, now! he traded us to the cops. just like eddie. eddie, who was nice to my daughter, had to die because that's the rule. and you were vulgar about my wife, felix, so at the very least the same rule applies to you. i want you to get out of the car. get out of the fucking car. out of the fucking -- look at my hands! get out of the car. stay out of this, or you'll die. you'll both die. everyone'll die. i had him! everything is different. we're the colombians now. this is the greatest night of my life. terrible but great. felix was right. he said i should kill a man. he was right. barbosa was a roach. do you miss him? will anybody in the world miss him? yes. thank god. she knows too much. we have to kill her. she's your responsibility then. we're going to get the money now, john. enough for the new drug. we're going to be rich. we're going to be so rich that we're going to leave the world of ordinary people and going to a higher realm. i mean that. it's a hardball game. we're hardball players. who's grave? listen, you fucking monkey, you know who owed him money, and we know you know. tell us or -- i gotta get laid. pick me up at jacqueline's in the morning. what's that? and we're happy. everybody's happy. it's a happy world. we want barbosa's business. and, also, your business. all this. your money, your dope, everything. how tough is enough? thank you, john. i couldn't have done that without you. you taught me to take my work seriously. we're taking over. no, i'm very clear. i'm very, very clear. ahora, usted nos assistamos. enteindo? donde esta? it works, john. it works. disce a senor guzman que. . that we have his money, and we're willing to talk as soon as he comes to town. we'll know how to reach him. okay? approximating the cubic capacity and depending on the denominations of the bills, it's somewhere between fifty million and two hundred million dollars. right back there. think i'm crazy? i know they're coming after us. i want them to. we'll give them the money, but we'll make a deal for ourselves. we'll get what we need for the synthetic drugs. i've thought it all out. i've been thinking it out for years. we're going to have everything. don't you want everything, john? nancy and miranda left the country two days ago. what's the matter, john? having doubts? yes. where?. no! no way. we pick the time and place. otherwise no meet. got a pencil? we have a proposal to make. we regret what happened to your nephew. we all know that your cousin's business is coming to an end. costs have climbed while profits and the market -- we have developed a new product: simpler, cheaper to manufacture, superior quality and completely synthetic. therefore, no growing, no refining, no peasants, no importing, no customs agents. here's a detailed prospectus with anticipated cash flow and so forth. there are no americans anymore, mr. guzman, you know that. no hispanics, no japanese, no blacks, no whites, no anything. there are only rich people and poor people. we're rich, so we're on the same side. we're prepared to give you 80% of the money. the remainder you invest in our business with proceeds paid out according to the figures there. we did it. twenty million. twenty fucking million. we're going to have synthetics. we're gonna be rich. we're gonna. what's the matter, john? be happy. your whole life has just been solved. john, where are you going? john, what the hell are you doing? let's get out of here. let him die. let him die twice. come one. are you kidding me? oh, really? where's you badge? john, that's a cop. he tried to kill you. oh, he didn't know. i don't know. maybe you don't know. maybe you think you're a cop because. because. okay, let's say you're a cop. be a cop. we've still got the money. we put it into randy's chemistry set. in five years we're worth five hundred million each, minimum. you'll be one of the richest black men in america. richer than cosby. who gives a shit how you got it? you think the white ones were honest? is this asshole all that stands between you and greatness? let me do you a favor. gee, john, that's kind of an extreme reaction.