whatta you got? i'm in there. john. eddie something. a motormouth. he supplies the street dealers. buys from him. david elias. who apparently buys from a guy named barbolla or something. but i haven't seen him. there was also a woman, but she's not here. i saw a kid killed. twelve, thirteen at the most. turf war. you can't rush this stuff. we're not just doing this for the funding, are we? eddie, man, i need. a whole k, quick as you can get it. all because of my man. only if you clorox him first. so what's this, you want to meet me? ah, come on, man, do macy's tell the gimbel motherfuckers? what is this shit, eddie? i thought you were the man. what's happening, belinda? you had any food today, james? you go to the mexican place over there, and get the chicken tostada or the beef and bean burrito or both. and a milk. you get the milk! and get something for your mother, too. what do you want? two tostadas, two burritos, two milks. look, belinda, i can't. it's me. i'm here. where?. five minutes. christ. running. police and sirens pursuing. he hurls the fed ex envelope into a dumpster. helicopter light sweeps over him. you. you know the difference between a nigger and a black man? the nigger's the one covers whitey's ass by puttin' the brothers in jail. you're a lawyer?? who hired you? like what? you sold me mannitol, motherfucker. at least it was clean. how'd a guy like you get into this? yeah. and now? then what are we doing here? because they can't bear reality. what's next? why aren't you selling it? who are the big guys? why can't you get to them? sounds like a dream. tell me about this new shit. hi, miranda. that's more than i bought. you're having trouble moving it. make me your partner. i'll help you get your capital. what am i supposed to do with it? you know how this goes, gerry. it won't stop here. you know what they're going to ask me to do pretty soon, to prove i'm down. what am i supposed to do then? i can't do this shit. i just can't. that's why i'm here. you can't back down with them. you've got to project strength, from inside, you know? cocksucker. 'cause i can, motherfucker, 'cause i can. touch her again, motherfuckers, i'm gonna mess you up. is david elias here? 'cause you're a racist asshole. you feel like you're fucking a slave, and it gets you off. i don't dig white women. even if i did, it wouldn't mean the same thing. fuck hegel. who the fuck is hegel? some smart-ass kike that talks backwards? does your wife dig black guys, david? did she fuck eddie? does she want to fuck me? you think what impresses her now is your dick? so how's this place work? how much is this? i'll take it. no, thanks. never have, never will. watch your mouth, david. don't call me a spade. and don't tell me to play black. say it again, and i'll kill you. you gotta pay anyway. shit. bijoux!! she worked for me. i'm supposed to protect her. that guy who works for barbosa can do it, chino. right. don't blow your cover. if i do this, we're partners. equal partners on everything. let's go. go wait around back. carmen, it's me. it's daddy. hi, baby. how are you? i miss you! i miss you. what does this shit do to you? i don't take drugs. what was what like? you knew. then you should know how it was. he supplies barbosa. to get to him we'll have to take quantity. that's what killing ivy did. i'll get to him soon. is that it? i like where i am. whether i'm here or not, no one else uses that room. and change the linen twice a week, just like now. and make sure james gets what he needs. and something for you. hey! a jewish lady in the store helped me. fifty bucks, fifty fucking bucks. order ten. better twenty. i do. we've got a bigger territory, we need more product. i want to deal directly with gallegos. it would save us money. if we buy twenty, gallegos'll come to us himself. when i bought a key from eddie, you came to me. who's above gallegos? how else will i learn? call barbosa, david, put in our order. because we have to split this, and there isn't enough here for both of us. how do i look at you? i don't think i'm better than you. i don't think i'm better than anybody. but i do know something. you can't stop thinking about me. i don't do that. it's for fuck-ups. more. not ten. twenty. the more we have, the more we can move. there're markets we can't open because we don't have the inventory. i'm with david. don't waste your time. okay, that's it. get away. why did you do it? we're getting twenty kilograms tomorrow. tonight. i made it happen. i pushed elias, now he doesn't make a move without me. i control him. barbosa's selling it to us because he thinks i can move it. and last night i met ramon gallegos. we're getting the dope from him; it's still coming through barbosa, but gallegos will approach me soon on his own. we're going to get him, gerry. we're going to bring him and the whole thing down. what's your problem? oh, so, tell me what's happening, gerry. bullshit. what do we do? who? elias and betty? don't be silly. i'll get him something. give me ten days, and i'll get him gallegos on a plate. gerry, what are you telling me? i need elias. and betty. you arrest them, and you're throwing away everything i've set up. we shouldn't go to them. maybe them come to us. watching planes descend into the airport, nervous. he knows what's coming, but how does he handle it? let's see what we've got. don't touch it. something's wrong. what's that van doing there? this is a bust. the minute we take the stuff, they'll be over us. chino, pick up the suitcase and give it to elias. i'll only kill him if something goes wrong. okay, everybody in the car. relax. we'll make it. if i was cop, you'd be face down back there. the whole thing smelled. changing his mind about the stuff. meeting us way out here. and i'd seen cops in that van before. hernandez is dirty, that's who he's using. david, not now. stop it, david, or we're. goddammit! you want to kill a cop?? don't be stupid. no! she's with me. she's not going to talk. you touch her, i'll kill you. they're going to come after us. tell me about you. don't hurt her. who did barbosa collect from? he'll tell us. gopher, just. where the hell is all the money? we're still a million short. david, we've got thirty-six hours. sooner than that. what are you doing here? you're going to get me killed. doing my job. i didn't blow my cover. don't be a shmuck, gerry. i'm talking to gallegos. i'm collecting his money. we can set him up right now. coming in where? i'm going to have gallegos in two days. you're protecting him. you're protecting gallegos. no, of course. that's why you wanted to bust elias and betty. i was getting close, and you wanted to cut this off then. what is he, the new noriega? helps you fight commies, so you let him sell drugs to the niggers. two birds with one stone. i'm through? then, i might as well have a drink after all. now tell me the truth or they're going to decide your troubles got the best of you. all the more reason to do what i say. jesus, ger, i'm having trouble holding on. say it! guzman. drugs is politics. politics is drugs. christ, gerry, i dealt drugs. i killed a man. others died. what did i do all this for? for nothing. i didn't do this for clout or money. you said we were gonna do some good. trying's for college boys. if all there is is power and money. if all there is. then what am i doing here? 'cause i can get more power and money out on the street, i got more there already, than i'd ever get kissing your ass in washington. me? there is no me. we took care of that. first i was a cop pretending to be a dealer. now i'm just a dealer pretending to be a cop. why not stop pretending? quit the force. be a dealer. my assignment's already terminated. all i have to do is quit. i hereby quit. my first one. not so bad. who are you, my mother? tell you what? what did i come to say? when i was young, i occasionally stole things. my father died when i was ten. right in front of me. heart attack. he just fell down. he said, "i love you," then died in my arms. you're not doing the stuff anymore, are you? how is that? things are getting, they're getting a little. confusing. i had certain plans, and people haven't come through exactly as they promised. it's not just those people. it's. it's bigger than that. it's of everybody. present company excluded. i can't. no! this is what i'm supposed to do. the whole fuckin' world. you think i didn't try something else? but everything funnels you right back here. like it's where you had to go all along. if i tried to get out now, they'd kill me. everyone knows what he is: the black man with the big car. they don't remember when he was just another hustler making street buys. now they hate him, revere him, want to be him, not caring what it entails. every eye follows as. there've got to be more. we have a million two, we owe gallegos one eight. what are you laughing at? it isn't one eight. it's a million one. that's all barbosa owed, it's all we're paying. no! jesus christ. what's going on here, david? you're doing too much stuff. what the fuck's the matter with you? jesus. yes. i can't believe you got us into this. all of fucking latin america is going to be after our asses, including renaldo guzman who's friends with fucking george bush. they're going to get your family, david. they'll kill your wife and daughter. you knew about this then? what about betty? you can't go back. give me that. look, mr. taft, that's your name, right? leave me alone. i got things on my mind. and what do you do, mr. taft, except chase bad guys up and down the street with your dirty partner, never catching anybody important? get out of my room. they're my children. they live in cleveland with their mother. i'm divorced from her. i haven't seen them in. some time. i want to, but i haven't been able to arrange it. everything else. everything else is. i don't know. do it. money? i got money. international terminal. i'll meet you there in a week. you wouldn't even look at me. no, i wasn't, i was. what if we forget all this? take ten million each and disappear. leave the country. new identities, new lives. yeah. they're after us, not you. oh, jesus, no. he's dying. get help. yeah, i'm a cop. i'm a fucking cop. i don't have one. i'm undercover. get help, david. he didn't know. drop the gun, put your hands against the car. spread your legs. police! my god! please. what about guzman? elias did. and everything goes on as before. who was i, ger? i have other things to do. you have to. it's all set up. that's how you're getting off. my father didn't have a heart attack. he was shot robbing a liquor store. trying to rob it. i lied about that. i had to start somewhere. there're other things you don't know. you two run on ahead. you know the difference between a black man and a nigger? the nigger's the one who'd even think about doing what you tell him.