is what true madame? it is a theory i would be glad to put to the test. enchante. we have a storm rising behind us. we may have to close the canopy, i hope it doesn't ruin your party. mademoiselle. you are not a lady. switch over to auxiliary power, and run a circuit check. communication systems have failed! radar. sonar. radios. i don't understand it. remain calm! stop! do you hear? yes. we have to make it to the third deck. we can't. all the communication systems went down. i don't know how. he's the owner. this was your life's work. your dreams. all these people dead!! because you screwed up on the math?? we're going to die here! we're going to die! they are. they are everywhere. help me! what is it? what?!. what?! help me, canton! help meeeeeee!! canton!! help!! it hurts!!!!! it hurrrrrtttttssss!!!