how we doing out there? yes, i'm very warm and dry in here, thank you for your concern. a raise? i already pay you two bucks a day. missed one darling. i love you too. pantucci!! i'm flying blind here god damn it! guilty will be the least of what you feel when i run my rig into one of these god damn no name islands! get me well here! if i told you once. i told you a thousand times. fok yu and fok yu two. are we strolling down memory lane for any particular reason? you know what they say. the classics are eternal. right here. middle of nowhere. right here. middle of nowhere. and the answer to your question is yes. the one you came up to ask. are we on schedule? all of them flattering i'm sure. i don't mind him. but i do think it's time for him to get back down below with the rest of the playgroup. the finnegan you heard about. and the classics are eternal. it's not noise. it's genius. this is not a democracy. you don't get a vote. i'll say it again for the hearing impaired. who asked any? i know it. but you want to get where you want to get, and back? i need a chief engineer, and unless you got a replacement, i'd highly recommend overlooking the indiscretion. you put me in that position again i'll throw you overboard myself. i saw these guy perform. at altmont . you know that? they opened for the stones. hold still now. i was like three rows back. jagger was here. i was here. sure i do. i give a shit that at 0300 hour we reach our point of destination. i give a shit that those mojos got to do what they got to do, and 45 minutes later we are turn around and gone. i give a shit that by the time the sun comes up we are all safely tucked in bed. oh yeah. and that my stitch job doesn't make you uglier than you already are. this won't hurt a bit. leila see what they're up to. what the hell. joey!! talk to me! shit!! me?? we ran into a speedboat. speedboat in the middle of the ocean. we can't. we got one engine dead, and the other limping badly. you're going to have to get a new one. then you better start swimming. i think he knows that joey. great woman your mother. real foresight. i assume somebody up there has made sure no distress signal can be sent. let's just keep going. guys!! whoa! whoa! whoa! whoooaaa!! guys. get a grip. your boys just killed a trolley car red one. joey. joey. it's okay. joey. look at me. we're gonna get what we gotta get. do what we gotta do. and get the hell outta here. okay? it's okay. come on. relax your arms. slowly. that's it. the hulls of these things are supposed to be impregnable. so. if the hull's impregnable why are my feet wet? forget them. we gotta get outta here -- now. grab the parts!! i'll cover! move! move! i don't know. you got what we need? come on!! it ain't any better out there! lady, i'm telling you. oww! i saved your life is what i did! what other bunch? i'm not a thief. i'm their ride. not anymore. dead. hanover, listen. i told you. did you clear this? with that. help me!! they're coming! they're coming! oh shit. hang on! you shoot me and you got no ride home. you the captain? how do we get out of here? this way! who are you? why don't you want a message sent? because you know a message can't be sent. you're the inside guy aren't you? the guy who knocked out the communications. unless you collected on the insurance. he's with them. they rob the joint blind and torpedo it to the bottom. he collects the insurance, and sails off into the sunset clean as a whistle. right? it's not going to help us! i was born in a city housing project in the bronx ok? it's not in the cards that i die on a luxury cruise ship. now which way up? all right, be cool, everybody, nice and slow, no sudden moves. ahhh!! jesus christ lady. i don't know. there's got to be a way to access out back there. nothing. you want to come, come. you don't. look lady, i know you people are used to getting your way. you people. rich people. well, you sure do a good imitation. finnegan. john j. now that we've been properly introduced, can we get the hell out of here? that's what i do. quite a few. anti social? with the emphasis on self, and in selfish, right? shoot it! shoot it! the safety! the safety! on the side!! let's get the hell out of here! the safety. the safety. he flicks the safety on and off. got it? yeah you did. boat or no boat. you woulda come back anyway. you're that kind of gal. the "come back" kind. takes one to know one. grab his hands!! joey. which way's aft? that's where my boat's moored. just trying to get to my boat. they respond to sound. what's on the far side? joey, what difference does it make. if you hear one shot, you know i made it. start coming. i'll wait here. you go check it out. i didn't think so. you o.k.? who? boat or no boat. i'm going. nobody's shooting nobody. come on, just let us through the hatch! i once saw a guy put a fish in a bottle, then he corked it, sealing it tight, and threw it to a baby octopus. the little sucker felt its way around that bottle, and in less than two minutes, got that cork off, slid inside, and ate that fish. us. i'm talking about us. we're the fish. i don't know what these things are . all i know is. they're herding us. like cattle. i'm saying they're calling the shots. the quiet. or maybe we're exactly where they want us to be. a meat locker. we can't do anything for them. let's go. eat this. fire in the hole! looking good. go! go! go! we're going to sink! we've got to get on deck! you quit high school, lie about your age, join the navy, and next thing you know, four years are up and you need a way to make a living. i'll break the seal! pull. keep tasting. it's ok. it's not one of them. it's from the aquarium. it's. it's not them. it's it. you know what kind of force it took to rip open the bow of this ship? a million little things like this. can't exert that kind of pressure. and the way it tracked us? a million little things don't carry portable phones to coordinate positions. what's chasing us. it's one. thing. one giant. thing. will somebody give me a break here? look! not like him. it's the engine. it can hear the engine. it goes for the loudest sound. hit it! hit it! yeah. not unless we kill it first. anything moves, you shoot. there's not much horsepower left in the engines, but there's enough noise. once this baby's set. i'll rev it up. that slimy bastard will come for it like candy. jet ski. there's one left up there. let's see, it was red wire cross compressor blue wire. or blue cross red? just the man i wanted to see. on this puppy here, you remember if it's red to blue or blue to red. joey, you want to get sucked out by a giant fucking mutated squid? squid. squid like. squid type. it's got tentacles, a feed sac. probably one central nervous processor somewhere. what the hell do i know is going on deep down in the ocean. there's all sorts of shit we've never seen. eighty foot clams. 60 foot sharks. i'm just guessing. can you get me more juice out of hercules. fast? right. seafood salad. you ever operate a jet ski? not unless you can wire a missile or fix an engine. don't forget the safety. and you got 10 minutes before this thing livens up a boring evening. a little to the left. line it up now, nice and easy. i have been. how does an island sound to you? one whistle. start the engine. second whistle you make it to the deck and get ready to jump. you're beautiful what you're jealous, you know that, joey? don't look!! push!! grab my hands!! push!! push!! go! go! go! get to the jet ski! go! get a good look. i don't mean to drop in unannounced . you ready. three minutes. i'm not back. no matter what. you go. you don't take orders very well, do you? this time, make an exception. pantucci!. joey! time to die, motherfucker. he's not coming. hold on! oh shit!! come on!! come on!! joey. joey. what now.