you remember the first time we met finnegan? i think you were just starting out. smuggling gold off sumatra for those two chinese. what did we use to call them? no, it just struck me as odd. i don't see you for all these years and you've still got the same tape stuck in the box. so where are we? and where is our point of arrival? which question is that? take note mr. mason. this is why you hire a professional. no whining. no excuses. don't mind him finnegan. you remember 25. balls of steel. splashing around in a sea of testosterone. that's why we're sill around finnegan. you and me. nothing gets the feathers up. business is business. eh? mr. billy you're in the batter's box. we're not savage here mr. billy. we're professionals. hold him. mr. chin. anyone else? this isn't right finnegan. i've got a contract. and no questions asked. he did. with a crowbar. you know the rules on a broken contract. what happened? how soon can we get up and running? i have a schedule. we were talking about my schedule. not an option. one more joke and your comedy career is over. now fix this. contact verified! you know the drill gentlemen! care to see what dreams are made of finnegan? secure the zone of operation!! when i was a little bit of a pissant we lived down the road from where all the big cruise ships used to come into sydney harbor. mum and me we used to sit by our front door and watch them. she used to say "one day you're going to make your fortune in life on one of them" and she could do a hell of a barbie to boot! belt up. you'll find all the parts you need up there. i'd say that's a pretty good assumption. with what? martinis and tanning oil? synchronize watches. 25 minutes. by the numbers. engine room and machine shop are on the third sub deck. vivo. mulligan go with them. keep in touch. move out. focus on the task mr. chin. what the hell is going on? this is red one. status report. stay to the schedule. stay to the plan. nothing has changed. where is everybody? i mean. where is everybody? you tell it straight or i pull the trigger. who are you? where are the other passengers? mulligan?? what?? i can't hear you?? repeat i. stand down soldier! i said. stand down!! one of who?! this is red one! come in red two! let's find them! it's not going anywhere. where are my men? drop it! now, back up! everybody in! where are you going? shut up! now, where's mulligan? where's vivo? shut up! shut up all of you! now here's what we're doing. mamooli is going to take you back to fix your engines, chin and i are staying here to finish the job. with who? where are we? don't touch it! bravo. where is the closest hatch? you hypocritical bastard. all you gave a shit about was the money. where's the hatch!! alright let's move out. you two on point. who gives a shit about aft? you trying to take over my show finnegan, that what you trying to do? you stay away from that vault! you hear me? what? he's a bloody. he's a bloody taxi driver! very good finnegan. very good. how do we know you're going to signal. how do we know you're not going to just take off? stop pacing. you deaf? you want some too? fire!! mamooli stand down! what are you talking about? maybe we lost them. finnegan, no!!! you idiot! feed them. that'll slow them down. help!! help!!