you know what my goal is? before i die i want to make love to a woman from every country on earth. what the hell does that mean? map. no map. i don't give a shit . they got women on samoa, it's on the list. i vote we slit his throat then throw him overboard. target in sight!! i thought the plan was we'd evacuate them after we got through. plans don't change. shut up! you ain't giving the orders here! let's keep going! we been down three decks, there's nobody home. total spooky-town. advise on how to proceed. what the??? come on. the sooner we get outta here the better i'll feel. mulligan and vivo move forward. hey! what are you trying to pull! what the. so? why don't you just stop figuring and keep working so we can get the hell out of here? 'cause grease monkey ain't in my job description dick head. what was that? someone's back there. check it out! will you check it the hell out!! what is it man? vivo!! vivo!! touch it and you're dead, asshole! what happened to vivo?! what the hell happened to vivo? hanover!. hanover! come in! come in you son-of-a-bitch! hanover!! hanover!! shut up! you hear me!! shut up, man, just shut the hell up! i gotta think! i gotta think!! there ain't no thing here!! no thing!! there's you him and me!! got it! you him and.