" -- if not for the courage of the fearless crew -- " " -- the minnow would be lost, the minowwww would be lost." can we use our indoor voice please. you trying to make me feel guilty? all better. now tell me again. why we took this job? i know. i know. if the cash is there we don't care. finnegan this is as mean a pile of shit as we ever carried. and some of it's coming your way. finnegan. finnegan. finnegannnn!! thanks. here's what i think. i think these mokes below are a hit squad. right now. there's some bozo sitting on his yacht at those coordinates they gave us, sipping his scotch and soda. totally unawares that we are about to deliver 500 kgs of high power torpedo to light up his ass. that's what's down there in that hold and who knows what the hell else. you don't give a shit about anything do you? that's it? that's all you give a shit about? jezebel's dead. hercules is right behind her! we got a gusher in the hull! what did you do to my kids!! no! the man in the moon!! who's driving this thing? i spent two years building these things. screw your schedule! with what? look at them. they need gears. cylinder heads. oil pans. we're in the middle of the goddamn ocean. good! so maybe he also know where the hell am i going to get the parts i need. you know the crew could be armed. you'd think they'd set a deck watch. maybe it's the wrong ship. you know what i'm gonna do after this. i'm gonna get a normal life. like a house in the suburbs. maybe a couple of kids. some sort of business. be in the bowling league. go to the ball games. what? you don't think i can have a normal life? okay. finnegan. i'm stuck. john. why don't you help us so we can get done faster so we can get the hell out of here? don't shoot, man, don't shoot! what's there to think about?? that thing back there. finnegan, what the hell was that? if i don't, i ain't going back to get it. you think we're safe? owww!! oowww!!! what the hell's going on here? finnegan! man, there's something here! on the boat! it's gonna snap the cable! oh no!! oh no!! finnegan!!! yeah man, no shit, call in the marines. hey i can fix any damn thing. where's the comm. center? that way. it's your damn ship! what the hell do you mean you don't know? i ain't goin' up no more elevators. are you crazy? on what? this son of a bitch zapped the communications. somebody shoot this jerk! what the hell is going on!! oh no. oh god please no. gimme one! gimme one! they're catchin' up! they're catchin' up! we gotta slow 'em down! feed 'em?!! okay! all right! feed 'em what? what are we gonna feed even you don't deserve this. i'm sorry man. don't shoot!! don't shoot!! not even a joey, i'm glad to see you? joey, what happened to your leg? red cross over to blue double blue . is that what it is? a squid? for juice, i gotta rebuild. that's not fast. can somebody tell me what the object of the exercise is here? i've never seen you so congenial with a member of the opposite sex. the two of you got a nice patter going. got a nice rapport. you know what i think? i think our luck has just about run shit out. i think we gotta stop floating from one fucked up situation to the next. i'm telling you, man, we got to give the future some serious thought. and what have you come up with? i gerry-rigged the ignition. all you gotta do is start her up. it won't go fast but it'll go loud. man, don't go up there. she's gone. all you're gonna do is get yourself killed. and for what? some chick? was it the water in my eyes or were you guys about to. because it's cool, you know, i can always take a walk or something down the beach. or i could go for a swim. although, i gotta tell you. if i never get in the water again. ok. ok. you don't have to beg me . i'll stick around. or maybe not.