he sounds like a real gentleman. i'm so sorry. because an orchid and a beautiful woman belong together. is it true what they say about a captain and his boat. madamoiselle. that the bigger the boat. the bigger the man. in school, the sisters said testing was my specialty. retiring. and you. monsieur. you are not a gentleman. hello? hello? helloooo? i'm sorry. this area is for authorized personnel only. as the assistant to the purser, i'm afraid i'll have to ask you to vacate. or maybe not. what do you mean? poolside? a passenger. up!! i want to go up! no. no. go up. please go up! i'm not staying here! now look what you did! who asked you to! you're with that other bunch, right? the thieves. then who are you? you have a boat? it's up there!! nowhere. open! open! god damn it!! we've gotta call for help. so get them back up. but if we can at least send a message. how the hell do we fix it?! what are you people talking about? you hear that? noooo! what are those things? hey! hey! where are you going? but what makes you think there aren't more of hose. things. back there? you don't have to be so touchy. what's that supposed to mean? you people. i'm not rich people. thank you, i work at it. i heard you say you grew up in the projects in the bronx. trillian daley. projects. south chicago. so this boat of yours. that's what you do? give people. rides. seen a lot of islands? since i'm a kid, i had this dream. i want to own my own tropical island. beaches, warm ocean, lots of food, little clothes. population of one. self sufficient. takes one to know one. i don't know where it is! hey! i didn't have to come back. right. you have a boat. oh yeah? what kind is that? how do you know that? finnegan. be careful. why don't you back off? how brave we are. finders keepers. gone. you're saying they can think? what's the matter? what is it? we can't just leave them here. nooo!! you won't get her!! you won't!! finnegan. do something!! please!! you should talk. so how do you get from the bronx to the south china sea? too small! i was so goddamn close, finnegan! so goddamn close to my island. i could almost taste the sand. eeeeeyyyyyaaaahhhh! ah. ah. ah. what? wait! stop! you son of a bitch!! oh my god! oh my god! how do we do it? how do we get there? you know, finnegan, i'm starting to believe what you said about you not being born to die on a luxury liner. finnegan. the minute you start your engines . it's going to kill us, isn't it? if you blow up your boat, how are we going to get to the island? how about noise? can you get noise? we don't need speed, just noise, right? you want me to go up there? and what if i run into one of those things? don't take too long. i'm not planning on being on the menu tonight. i'm going to be ok. i'm going to be nooo!! noooo!! helpp!! helpp!! finnegan! hurry!! hurry!! get me out of here!! finneegggaannn!!! finnegan!!! finnegan!! come on!! oh my god, oh my god. eeeeyyyyaaahhh!!!! soon as i get over the heart attack. no. i don't take orders at all. where's you friend?