how you feelin', sal? feeling hot? i'll get him. damn right! yeah, sal-- extra feet! it won't open. where should i hit it? just show me where i should hit it. hey, that's neat. that's new, isn't it? i love this car. some cars sit, you know? this car, a car like this. grows. i mean you never know, with a car like this, where this car has been. wa-wa-wa!. waaaaa!!! she fucked you? she fucked me too. she fucked me too. yeah. i know. ammo! get the ammo! fuel up. need fuel. you want 'em? gimme a hostess twinkie, merle. what? good. pass the beer. it is not! you're full of shit. you're full of shit! they did not! jesus, it's freezing! jesus! merle, give him the boots. get the boots. maxie! hey maxie wha'd'ya say! i thought that was it. fuckin' a. it's gotta! it's nick! yeah. hey, nick! god damn!. what've you been doin', i mean. i know, but. yeah. oh, boy, yeah. jes', you must be tired. look who's talkin'! jes'! he got married! vince got married! tell him, vince. tell him, vince! show him the gun. hey, show him the gun, vince. he's serious. vince is fuckin' serious! vince thinks. you know. fuckin' a! fucking a. he's real bad, nick. nick. hey! fuckin' a! hey! hey, john! john,we're going huntin'. we're all going. nick, vince, albert and john. hey! fuckin' a! hey! fuckin' a! time to roll!!! hey! fuckin' a! just. just like a hot shit. except cold. you're full of shit, vince! you're so full of shit you're going to float away! you, vince! you! you are! you're a crock! you're a walking, talking crock!. i mean, what do you know? you don't! i'm tellin' you she does it, vince! with twenty guys you know! then what's the gun for! what's this for? in case???!!! in case of what? in case you stumble on her, suckin' cock in the front fucking hall?! she does, vince! that's what i'm telling you! she does!!! nick! nick, you'll kill him!. easy. nick, easy! hey, hey. vince goes back a long way.