nick. c'est extraordinaire! do you know that i have a cousin who is called nicholas and a nephew nickolai. so you are, comme on dit, en famille. in the family. but you must come in. but i insist. you are frightened, no? of what is there to be afraid? the war? the war is no problem. it is a joke, a silly thing. i make one call and get you out. ah yes. of course. to the girl who waits. but of course! please make yourself comfortable. perhaps you would enjoy some fresh caviar, or une petite glace, or --? unfortunately i must now go in, but i leave you my card. naturellement i pay my players cash american. just so you know. however, should you prefer german marks, or perhaps swiss francs, this of course can be arranged. everything can be arranged. if you are brave and lucky i can make you rich. c'est tres amusant. you have been promoted. and to a jew. i am joking of course. naturellement. seriously, nick, may i hope that you have come to play? ah. merle. and you know merle? you are his friend. merle is under his tree. beside the terrace. you can't miss him.