jesus christ, they hit the airport! those fuckin' niggers. this time i'm going to eat balls!. you ever try 'em? not bad fresh, but they don't keep worth a pig's fart. lotta guys don't know that. assholes! tell you something else. don't eat 'em in the damn delta. unless you like 'em fishy. some do. i don't. i never did. that's you. right here, sergeant! he's right here! hey, good buddy, how you doin'? this is biederman, you guys. biederman, this is son loc, tu fon, huckerbelly and potts. what's the story here, biederman? we're looking for. wait a minute. here it is. chez armand. honey, c'mere. come right here. this is for bein' so smart. let's go! mount up! c'mon biederman! boy, do i love this conflict. huh?. what the hell were you doin' in there? merle? that's who we're looking for. merle. sure! i got eight hundred potatoes says he goes one more. he retired, you know. now he's back. he eats 'em. sure. he eats 'em raw!