there's vince! get him, albert. get vince! right. willing fingers-- you should have put that on last night. that way it sets. i just wait. you know? i just wait. for this. it's what i wait for. i wait all year. you do? you think about it? so do i. i want to be ready. you have to be ready. it has to be there, in your mind. fucking a. you have to think about the shot. it's the shot. the shot's it. what do you think about? i'll tell you something, nick. i wouldn't hunt with anyone but you. i won't hunt with a yo-yo. who's a yo-yo? who do you think's a yo-yo! they're all yo yo's. i mean they're all great guys, for christ's sake, but. the point is, nick, without you i'd hunt alone. seriously. i would. that's what i'd do. yeah. when it comes to hunting, that's true. sorry. i guess you like nick. fuckin' nick. fuckin' nick. gives. gives. fuckin' nick gives. nick, he just came back. fucking a. see that ribbon in the left. that's quan son. that fucking guy was at quan son! we, ah. we're going too. what? what'd he say? pow? oh. uh. well, maybe you could tell us how it is over there? pow? well, thanks a lot. who the hell knows! hell no! maybe he's lost. well, i don't know! you wanna bet? how much? how much do you wanna bet? you think we'll ever come back? yeah. i love this fuckin' place. that sounds crazy. i know that sounds crazy, but i love this fuckin' place. if anything happens, nick, don't leave me there. i mean it. don't leave me. you gotta promise, nick. you gotta promise me that. promise! you gotta promise! let's go huntin'. i mean let's do it! here's a hershey. watch it, shithead! it's ahead, by the tree. sure i got boots. i got boots right here. no. no. that's it. no. no way. you gotta learn, vince! you come out here. you got no jacket, you got no pants, you got no knife and you got no boots. you think everyone's gonna take care of you! that's what you always think, but this time you're wrong. this time you're on your own! no. no boots. no nothin'. this is this, vince. this isn't something else. this is this! i said no. hey, nick? tomorrow i go with vince. yeah. i mean so he knows. he doesn't even know. saving lives. you can do it, sal. sal. listen to me, sal! you have to do it. you have to think about this, sal. listen to me, sal! you have to think about this. listen to me, sal. if you don't do it they'll put you in the pit. if they put you in the pit, sal, you're gonna die. sal, do you understand? listen to me, sal. do it! you have to do it! i'm telling you, nick, no one's going to come. listen, asshole, it's up to us! what are you, hoping? i thought you might be praying. i suppose you wish you were somewhere else? nick, you're wasting your time. listen to me! you're wasting your time! this is no fucking time for hoping or praying or wishing or any other shit! this is it. here we are. and we gotta get out! get off your ass, nick. get off your fucking ass and stand up!!! forget sal. i mean forget sal. sal can't take it, nick. forget sal. listen to me -- forget sal! i've been working on sal since dawn, nick. sal's in a dream and he won't come out. listen!!! from here on you gotta go for you. you hear me? for you! listen, nick! get it through your we gotta play with more bullets. we gotta play with more bullets, nick. it's the only way. more bullets in the gun. the trouble is that still leaves one of us with his hands tied up, so that means we gotta play each other. nick. nick!!! it's the only chance we've got! three bullets -- minimum. i'll pick the moment, nick. the game goes on until i move. when i start shooting, go for the nearest guard and get his gun. when you get the ak, open up. you got me? open up. it's up to you, nick. now it's up to you. him and me!!! him and me!!! him and me, goddamn it! him and me! this is it, motherfuckers! now he's going to do it! watch! you watch! look at him! see! this is it and he knows it! last chance to lose your money there, guys. goodbye money! hurry, hurry. here he goes! this is stupid! you understand stupid? on and on! at this rate we'll still be here tomorrow! wait a minute. i know! hey, i got it. more! put in more! you understand more? more! more bullets! three bullets! you understand three? that way blam! boom! ka-powie!!! ba-room!!!. 'cause i want that bastard! him i want boom! him or me!!! he's terrific! great fucking guy! ka-pow!!! ba-roomie!!! both of us may have to pull on this, so get your shit in fuckin' shape!!! him or me!!! now we got it, him or me!!! place your bets, motherfuckers! now we're going! now we got a game! watch! now watch! he's going to get it. and then ka-pow! ba-roomie!!! you guys think i'm in trouble, right? no way! never!!! merle is mighty! -- ha! merle is strong! -- ha! merle is magic! -- ha! merle lives long! lemme hear it. come on, motherfuckers, lemme hear it! merle is mighty! -- ha! merle is strong! -- ha! merle is magic! -- ha! merle lives long! see! nothing to it. you got an empty chamber and it's in your mind! just put that empty chamber in the gun! who's for merle? is anyone for merle??? who here is for merle? who. here. is for merle? merle is mighty! -- ha! merle is strong! -- ha! merle is magic -- ha! right here. right here. damn it!!! god damn it!!! sal! sal. goddamn it, sal, don't you know anything? sure. sure, sal. we're going home. nick!. i thought you went home. sit down. how's linda? i like it, nick. i like it because it's simple. i have to go, nick. we'll have a drink.