where's vince? humper's ready. old humper's hotter'n damn hell! as soon as you're hitched, sal. first we get you hitched. it's all right. hey, it's all right. we'll be right here, right with you. won't we? right? am i right? c'mon. c'mon you guys! back! all hands to the rear! i know. yeah. huh? so do i. yeah. yeah. the shot? i don't think about the shot that much. yeah. i guess. i don't know. i guess i think about the deer. being out, maybe. i don't know. i think about it all. hell, i like the trees, you know? i like the ways the trees are, all the different ways the trees are too. yo-yo! who's a yo-yo? you're a fucking nut. you know that, merle? you're a fucking maniac! albert! for christ's sake. john! wait a minute, you guys! you gotta hit it here. here, albert, not there. here. hit it here. couple of weeks. listen -- linda. linda, what's the matter? sure. are you kidding? sure. linda. hey, linda. linda, linda! will you marry me? would you? you would? this is terrific! this is really terrific! i don't know what we've been waiting for! sit with linda, man, will ya?. give her a beer. would you like a beer? what kind of beer would you like? give her miller's. miller's high life. from nam? pow. pow. is he from here? well, where's he from? don't worry what it says in the book. just forget that. forget what it says in the book. great. that's great. see you monday. merle? from nam? merle -- you got it. it's ahead, vince. whee-uu! let's hunt. huh? hunt with vince? merle?. jesus, merle! what are you, god? they bombed last night, right? didn't they bomb? if they bombed last night, they could bomb tonight. they could be up there right now! what else? i'm doing that too. what do you think? you're right. okay, you're right. okay, okay! okay. okay, you're right. what about sal? what do you mean? forget sal? merle. we what? more bullets in the gun? with more bullets?. against each other?. are you crazy!!! are you fucking nuts!!! how many bullets? no way. no fucking way! no. no way! you're crazy!!!. no way!. now you're crazy!!! you're completely crazy!!! you go ahead. sal! sal!!! sorry. thought you were someone else. i love linda, see. i love linda more than i can even say. that's right. that's exactly what i mean! only,good people love linda, see. what linda has, linda -- you mean? linda, yeah. hey. hey, elephants! look at those elephants! linda loves elephants! linda. she loves 'em! elephants! make way. i gotta get elephants! great. these are great. i wanna tell you these are great elephants! i'm going home, see. stateside in a few days and my wife linda, she loves elephants. she. she has a thing for elephants because elephants. elephants go on. you know what i mean? they go right on. i don't know if they cry. maybe at night. i mean. what i mean is my two best buddies are dead, see, mia, who knows, and they would have liked some elephants also because. how much are these elephants? i mean let's talk elephant. (notices a group of street everyone take an elephant! you know how to carry an elephant? that's what i thought. right off i figured you as that kind of guy. hey, wait a minute, i gotta get change. take an elephant! everyone take an elephant and then form up. right here. over here, like this, in a nice long elephant line. good. that's good. man, look at all these elephants! one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. eleven elephants! hey, but you gotta stand tall to carry elephants. better. that's better. i mean. god damn, i mean that's elephants now! wait. now you wait while i get change. hey, hey, the wind does blow. hey, hey, the snow does snow. hey, hey, the rain does rain. hey, hey, the wind does blow. hey, hey, the snow does snow. hey, hey, the wind does blow. hey, hey, the snow does snow -- i. no. you do this for money? up north. playing. we. three bullets. nick. i have to go. no, i -- i have to go. see, i'm going home. yeah. do you mind if i sit? no. none of that. that's not it. that's not it. keep going. go straight. i'm telling you that's not it! now keep going! just keep going! just keep going straight! guess who. no. fine. i'm fine. how are you? that was nothing. that wasn't anything. it was just the complications. i mean, you take a little thing over there and then you get complications. i mean all the guys had it. how's the trailer? frost. did you get hurt? you didn't get hurt? it was all for nothing. do you know that? it was all for nothing. naw, it's. i mean. naw, it's. this guy wants his money. does this. i mean, how does this job work out? what do they. bother you!? i'll kill 'em. anybody bothers you, i'll kill 'em! hey, albert! i got delayed. i -- i'm fine. hey, i'm fine. how're you guys. i mean, how've you guys been? married? well, who'd you get married to? cynthia! sure. cynthia! hey, that's terrific. i mean. great! that's really great! what the hell's that for? you mean? hey. hey, let's drink! fine. hey, i'm fine. rough. we didn't have to do it, john. no. how's angela? how's she taking it? no? worse since she talked to who? talked to sal? sal's alive? sal's alive??? well, where the hell is he!!! i mean what are we all sitting here for!!! what the hell is this??? why?. what do you mean?. why??? but sal's mother! what about sal's mother! oh, jesus. oh, jesus!!! yeah. angela, i just heard sal was alive. where? where is he? you talk to him? what hospital is he in? where? hey, angela, sal and i go back a long way. angela? no. great. feels great. fuckin' a! naw. uh-huh. no. never one. one, vince. you have to understand, doing it with one. would be. like nothing. they're small, see, so if you're smart you get about six or eight. i mean, if you want to have any fun. they have these little sticks, vince. they call them "chomp chomps", and when you get these girls going, you have to stick 'em in their mouths. yeah. sure. in the timeless words of squire albert. in the timeless words of squire albert. right here. oh. nothing. sitting. what? yeah. all the guys, we're all going huntin'. like we did. you know? like we always used to. you know how sometimes you're going along. you're going along. and that's all! one thing is right after another, like steps. and you step along. i don't know where that is. it's gone! that's gone! i gotta go. i'll be. i don't know. couple of days. damn. god damn. hey! hey. okay! yeah. you loaded it, vince! i saw you! the fuck you didn't!. gimme that! i'm going to throw this fuckin' thing away. sal? sal, it's me, nick. oh. you know. how's it with you? what's that noise? what's that noise? great. hey. that's great. john wayne's great. listen, sal. jesus. when are you getting out? what? wait a minute. sal. hold it. john wayne's making so much noise i can hardly -- sal?. sal? thanks. oh. fine. no. linda. honey, what's wrong? hey. look. there must be something. c'mon. i've got the car. you okay? sal, we need you. we need you. we do, sal. we do. you're the heart. sal, you're gonna die! you're gonna sit in that corner watching soaps and you're gonna die!. i'm not saying it's gonna be the same. it's not gonna be the same, but whatever it's gonna be we're all gonna do it, sal. god damn it we are! we are gonna do it! i know. it's like coming from the moon. or mars. yeah. no. i tracked this one, a big buck. god, he was such a beauty--! what's this suitcase here? here. behind you. maybe angela brought you stuff. i know she said -- shit! it's not socks, sal. it's merle, sal. i saw him last night. i thought i was dreaming. i thought i was out of my mind. yeah. oh cards, maybe. poker. it's getting cold, sal. i'm going to take you in. we'll call angela. the guys can help her bring you home. did i tell you i was going on a trip? it's okay. hey, it's okay! just a week. just to see phantom mary. didn't i ever tell you about phantom mary? well. phantom mary's on my mother's side. naturally no one there admits it because phantom mary's pretty weird. you want to hear the whole story? like i say, phantom mary's pretty weird. lives alone, lives way out in the middle of nowhere with a cat called pajamas and a cow called fred. well, last week i got a call from phantom mary, which in itself was very strange. biederman! where's biederman! you biederman? i got you on this flight, biederman. is that right? follow me, please. right this way. through here. take off the uniform. take off the uniform, lieutenant! listen, biederman, i'm going to club you into the floor unless you tell me what the fuck is so important. biederman! when i get to saigon i'll tell 'em where you are. naw. pee-pee. merle!!! it's okay. it's okay, god damn it! it's all right! you know a guy named merle? yeah? yeah? i came to see merle. yeah. where is he??? merle! merle! jesus! hey, how are you? i did. i. this is stolen. i came back. fine. she's fine. merle, what the hell are you doing? merle. hey, merle, listen. why? merle! merle, wait! merle!!! excuse me. sorry. sorry. pardon. i just. would like to say a few words. about merle. i guess merle always wanted something. i don't know. better. that fucking guy, he saved my life. he saved sal's. what merle liked, he liked things right. but then there wasn't any place for that. that he could find.