where are they taking them? some food? zus. let's go. as they retreat toward the woods, zus warns the farmer. papa-- gottenyu. flies buzz about dead livestock. a woman's body lies nearby. aron. the boy recoils. he is disoriented and will not tuvia! asael leaps up to embrace him as if he were salvation itself. papa and mama. they killed them. are you going back to the army? what is it like? to be in a war? zus finished the last of the sausage. tuvia glares at zus, who glares back. sibling rivals. he has dogs. we know these woods. they'll never find us in here. tuvia looks at his brothers. he has been outvoted. you know what papa would do when you did that at table. tuvia smacks zus on the head, taking on a gruff voice. i can't believe papa's dead. the police captain? koscik has a pistol. he showed it to me once. where did you find them? aron still won't speak. asael addresses the other girl. your sister is sick? he saw. things. his family. tuvia puts his arms around his brother. zus's shoulders begin to heave. soon his body convulses with deep wracking sobs. he is absolutely unself-conscious in his grief. what is an 'otriad?' then we are the bielski otriad. you want to join? zus. zussie. i can't breathe. zus lets him go and asael reaches back into the root cellar. look. two lovely young women -- bella and chaya -- emerge, tentative and scared. though their dresses are dirty, it is obvious they were once expensive. zus eyes them appreciatively. yes. chaya. i hardly know her. malbin says the piznarksi granary is full. we need two guns at least. zus. leave half. he can't go to the germans empty-handed. zus glares at asael. tuvia's orders. zus shakes his head, climbs onto the wagon and begins removing cartons. don't panic. this way!. go. no. i mean, yes. all right. no. hello, chaya. may. i help you? chaya. i. was. wondering. if. maybe. you. i mean. you and i-- you do? behold thou art consecrated unto me by this ring according to the laws of moses and israel. but rather than a ring, asael gives her a shiny new rifle. as the ceremony continues, we: there is talk of returning to the ghetto. they've barely eaten in days. even when our food missions manage to get through, there are armed patrols. farmers who once helped us now guard their barns with shotguns. tuvia considers for a moment. the partisans have ampicillin. but they say they need it for themselves. in the background lilka enters, face scratched, blood smeared hands and arms -- like some kind of primitive huntress. tuvia. everyone gets the same portion. she is my wife! what consequences? others are closely watching this test of tuvia's authority. tuvia, i would never-- then why am i to be punished? tuvia just takes another swallow from his bottle. fischer is with them. so is levine. on food missions, they take first for themselves and only bring back what's left over-- tuvia's head is throbbing. he closes his eyes. --and they spread rumors, that you are power-hungry and corrupt, that you take whatever woman you choose-- --that we keep gold for ourselves, and that-- he stops himself. that you drink too much and are no longer fit to lead us. zus would have punched him senseless. i miss him. lazar spotted another patrol. they're getting closer. tuvia nods. suddenly, he hears a strange sound. an animal? he's a scout. we found this in his pouch. he hands tuvia a sheaf of documents -- including a map. don't they have a war to fight? he's on his way. the tormenting of the poor courier is gaining intensity. i could say the same about you. where'd you get the jacket? i wouldn't show this around. there are some who'd turn you in for less. come, tateh-- get them out of the bunkers! malbin runs off. asael helps tuvia to his feet. a nearby explosion showers them with dirt as they crawl to safety. the world ramps back to normal speed at a dizzying rate. we need to hold them off. until the rest are safe. tuvia still can't hear. asael pantomimes firing a rifle. hold. them. off! tuvia nods, trying to clear the buzzing in his head. with levine and miriam. there. lazar, rosa, and schmuel. there and there. and me. tuvia shakes his head, no. yes. he runs off. still clearing his head, tuvia regains his footing -- suddenly realizing the the bombing has stopped. take her. she resists, clinging to his arm for a moment. we must keep going! nothing is impossible! what we have done is impossible! the murmuring quiets. asael meets tuvia's eyes. he is literally willing his older brother to be strong for them, as he has been, time and again. god will not part these waters. we will do it ourselves. not by miracles. by our strength. take the rope from your pack. now, you. give me your belt. we'll link arms. make a chain. a human chain. anything else? tuvia looks at him. is he fucking with him? just a little.