--and then we fell into this horrible bog. chaya saved me. honestly, i can't swim at all. we must have got lost a dozen times. i was absolutely resigned to die. tell him, chaya. was it not the absolute worst? and that farmer, mr. koscik, kept making the most vulgar jokes, he said any girl who-- as they continue out of earshot, it appears as though zus would be happy to listen for hours. milk, eggs -- chaya, our brave men have brought us a feast! you have lipstick? please, i know you have some left. chaya digs in her pocket and produces a tiny remnant. bella dabs it on and casually approaches zus, who is on guard duty. may i join you? you get lonely out here? i'm a little scared out here. zus knows an opportunity when he sees one. he offers her a drink from his bottle of vodka. i've never tried it. why is there a rule against women having guns? women need guns, too. for protection. i want protection. she steps closer and takes zus's hand. under her coat. onto her breast. never taking her eyes off him. you will take good care of me? you will be my commander. more mouths to feed. tamara, come on in, it's freezing and slimy and horrible. tamara shakes her head, no. so last night i dreamed i was taking a real bath. with hot water. doesn't take a fortune teller to know what lilka's dreaming about. lilka blushes furiously. the women laugh even louder. so. a little bird told me that a certain someone is waiting. for another certain someone to ask a certain question. go on. she indicates chaya by wiggling her eyebrows in her direction. asael shakes his head but heads in that direction. use the sand. it's good for your skin. i've turned into a skeleton. when we get out of this forest i am going to eat only cake and grow as big as a house. tamara appears. she's wearing a long overcoat. my son's name was david. david kagan. we see now that she is holding a sharpened hoe. he was fifteen. he had blue eyes. she raises it above her head. he played the piano. she swings with all her might. the others watch with a mix of thrilled horror and perverse delight. a line has been crossed. riva steps forward, holding a large shovel. the germans will be here any minute! tuvia, what do we do? oppenheim is petrified. rona is crying.