who? zus stands unsteadily, then lurches into the woods, leaning on an occasional tree for support. he finds the erstwhile sentry --lazar -- ambling toward him. you are tuvia bielski. i am ben zion gulkowitz. ben zion is besieged by questions about friends and family. the sd came without warning. hundreds were taken. no one knows where. this is not a gun. it is bar kochba's spear. it is ehud's sword. you fix the patch to the rod-- they do as he instructs. --then run it through the barrel. and don't lose the patch in the the new ones, they are from novagroduk. your wife-- tuvia tenses. ben zion hesitates. they say. she was killed last week. i'm sorry. tuvia nods. no outward display of grief. an awkward moment. i'll see to it, then. i'm from karelitz, too. i lived by you first! derisive laughter from the trees. let's go! in the back room, zus keeps rummaging. a window explodes. ben zion is hit. mortally wounded, he sinks to his knees, returning fire as zus reappears.