i have only four bullets. your father was a good man. ignore the bitch. to the dead. god rest their souls. bitch-- do you want vodka? his wife just glares at him. i live with this, can you imagine? headlights sweep over the window. a car is fast approaching. hide yourself. . the barn. working late, boys. hunting can work up a thirst. a jew is worth that much? do you pay more for a fat one? they laugh appreciatively. maybe for a reduced price. more laughter. more vodka. sure. do i look like an idiot? don't answer so quickly. more laughter. the police captain looks at his watch. yawns. keep it. take a look. and clean out the cow shit while you're back there. the policeman laughs and climbs back into the car. good hunting. --if the laborers find them tomorrow, i will be denounced-- take them into the forest-- you people. why is it so fucking hard to be friends with a jew? they embrace.