i am going. this breaks the log jam. several others join in, "we are coming," "us, too," etc. tuvia nods his acknowledgment. get them off! get them off me! everywhere! oh, my god, oh, my sorry, tuvia. i was. thinking. it's nothing. he looks at her intently, knowing there's more. every time new people come into camp, i keep hoping. even though, i know. (her teeth are you too? no. today i go on my first food mission. tuvia's order has consigned her to this dangerous duty. no. i must go now. i want to go. she is clearly scared but desperate not to show it. he reaches into his belt and hands her a revolver. shoo-- shoo-- fine. thank you. tuvia can clearly see that she is shaken -- but he has no time to ask more. he has to find out about the medicine. your fever broke in the night. the medicine helped. two days. chaya helped. we devoted ourselves to more essential knowledge -- like greek philosophy and latin. what kind of work did you do? before. i'm sorry. it all feels like a dream. i spent months trying to master chopin's nocturnes. you know chopin? join us. at least the sun is warm. tamara? i had no idea. who is the father? he will understand. i won't. don't worry. what are you going to do? tamara's eyes fill with a new resolve. she promises not to take extra food. so you are going to shoot her, too? tuvia stares at her. he has never seen this side of her. please, tuvia. the baby is all she has to live for. you must let it live! she was raped by the nazis. tuvia closes his eyes. he is tired of being in charge, tired of being the arbiter of other peoples' fate. you tell us to hold onto our humanity. not to become like animals. what better way than by bringing a life into this world of suffering and death. it's our only hope. tuvia is undone by her intensity. the very nearness of her. the smell of her newly-washed hair. the glow of her skin. he looks at her. and nods in surrender. thank you, tuvia. she kisses him. a chaste kiss of gratitude. she pulls back and they look into each other's eyes. the next kiss is something entirely different. i knew what was expected of the women here -- yet you never touched me. i'm not afraid of anything, tuvia. i'm not even afraid of you. they kiss deeply. it doesn't matter. if i had stayed in the ghetto i'd be dead. you saved my life. hello, asael. my whole family. no. . no. she puts her arms around him. what about the dead?