uh. no. i suppose. you'd have to say. i was. am. an intellectual. i published a small magazine. actually a journal. well, more like a pamphlet. zus passes them, his arm around the dark-haired beauty. interesting concept. nice to know there are some things even hitler can't destroy. you're trying to tell me all politics is meaningless. your messiah will have a mustache, too, and a full beard. and roosevelt? he has no mustache. even spinoza said existence can be substantiated by empirical evidence. how can you say this? learning is my life. descartes at least provided for the subjective nature of experience. he takes a spoon from his sock. you are not eating? where is he taking us? my feet are going to fall off. well, maybe rabbis should give better directions. tuvia walks alongside but apart. if my friends at the new socialists' club could see me now. i haven't read a book in months. i did. tuvia laughs ruefully. considers him for a moment. who else? tuvia nods. good point. they continue working. might i make an observation? tuvia gestures, go ahead. we need to be strong, but-- other things are important, too. community. tuvia considers the word. as if trying it on for size. a few. and now they belong to the otriad. everyone sacrifices for the sake of the collective. we can trade these for food or weapons. next. nearby, shimon is interviewing another line of arrivals. you call that a move? i'm thinking about what i'm going to do about it. you didn't get me. you think you got me? how about this? a genius maybe. tuvia has been listening nearby. aron races into the camp. oh. . i. hello, lilka. we've caught one. ask if he'll promise not to reveal our location. shimon translates. viktor is here. did it see us? how should i know? you want to move them all? the old, the sick. they'll never make it. it isn't the first time tuvia has consigned people to their death, and apparently it won't be the last. are you alright? tuvia shakes his head, points to his ears. he cannot hear. are. you. alright? when tuvia speaks, his words sound dull and muffled. what? everybody out! now! but the group's natural reaction is to stay huddled in safety the cossacks are coming! this gets the job done. people begin to crawl out. this swamp here. goes. for miles. oh, my god. do we wait. a while? tuvia--? tuvia can't speak. he has no more answers. nothing to say. he stares at the impenetrable swamp. the end of the line. the sudden vacuum of leadership is felt by them all. they stare at one another, anxious and rudderless. what's wrong with him? is he? tuvia shakes his head. it's only a matter of time. the spotter plane drones overhead. shimon, listen to me, the physical plane is just an illusion. only the spiritual plane is real. you've redeemed yourself enough, you should shut up now. what is it? this world?