which one is tuvia bielski? someone points tuvia out. shulman hurries over and kisses tuvia's hand. zus is drinking nearby with his cronies. none of us knew if you really existed. i am from baranowicze. they are going to liquidate the ghetto. chaya bursts into tears. asael puts his arm around her. look what we found running free. must have belonged to an aristocrat. we mustn't have any tracks leading back to base. he loads two sacks of food onto her shoulders. stay on this side of the creek until you reach the river then up the hill. i'll wait here for the others. she nods and trudges on toward camp through waist-deep snow. bulvan! shulman punches him in the face. he'll say anything. he breaks the stick across the man's back. we've got to keep going! that's crazy! tuvia is in hell. if he waits for asael, he risks them all being caught. suddenly it all falls apart. tuvia sinks to his knees as if his legs can no longer bear his weight. we'll put them on our shoulders. we don't have enough rope. what's next. sinai? tuvia can't help but laugh. soon they are all laughing. it ripples throughout the group. joyous. contagious. an overwhelming feeling of relief. they are safe. tuvia lies on the ground. all the adrenaline has suddenly left his body. then aron appears, tugging at his sleeve. shimon is asking for him. tuvia kneels down beside his teacher, whose eyes are closed. malbin is weeping quietly. who will he argue with?