and no news of my brothers? if you stay, you'll have to go to the ghetto. i need to see to my family. will you come? if i was a german you are dead. there is no more army. asael worships his big brother. it wasn't war. it was something else. zus eyes him carefully. where is sonia and the baby? in novgrudok. she wouldn't leave. she is still my wife. no. do you? is there anything left to eat? only a few potatoes in asael's bag. worms writhe among them. you think wilencki is going to give us food? how? and he tells the police. he was willing to help us. this is your plan? to terrorize every anti-semite in belorussia? peasant. we don't know he did it. we don't know he did it. machine guns? you're going to take on the whole german army? set her down. the man lowers the child to the ground. she isn't moving. i'll go ask koscik for food. and the pistol. without another word, he starts off. i cannot thank you enough. they sit in koscik's warmly-lit kitchen. koscik's wife stands silently by the stove, glaring at tuvia. he said the same of you. tuvia can't help but notice koscik's wife giving him the evil eye. koscik produces a bottle of vodka. what am i supposed to do with-- --and feed them how? i can't care for my own family. behind them, several of the refugees have emerged from their hiding place. they stare at tuvia balefully. those men? they were the ones who killed my parents? imagine being one. tuvia leads his motley band toward the woods. i thought you were dead. zus. he's with the other two. for a dumb schoolboy, you mean. it is just like school, i don't know what you're talking about. teacher. come. come. (gesturing to the you send me? only four bullets. you know who i am? the policeman says nothing. his wife is instantly terrified. one of the sons stands. tuvia turns the gun on him. sit. the son obeys. the sound of the rain on the tin roof is deafening. tuvia turns back to the police captain. and you know why i am here. you have no idea what i'm talking about. to find jews. and it's a good job, isn't it? you like your job. my father? you don't talk about my father. tuvia places the pistol against the man's forehead. down on your knees. for my parents, david and beila bielski. for my brothers and all the others-- tell them who did this. riboynoy shel oylam, riboynoy shel oylam. lord of the universe, forgive me, i have murdered -- but they were monsters and did not deserve to live. his sons. zus nods his approval. what? shut up. tuvia stares into the fire. he is dirty and tired. zus looks around. i don't know-- you're afraid he's going to beat you for forgetting your homework. i agree. but they're here. they consider their predicament. we'll sleep farther up the trail. if anyone comes, they'll find them first. the gunshots will give us time to escape. no more. i know. i know. tamara, you remember cousin zus. please, go sit down by the fire. and this is lazar -- isabel's youngest. tamara is pleasant-looking but emotionally wounded. this is isaac malbin. from minsk. malbin is sweet-faced with little round trotsky glasses. asael, find them something to eat. they are family. we'll water the soup. one of the new arrivals is a dark-haired beauty. tuvia and zus watch her pass. zus is particularly interested. no. by the fire, the veterans pepper the newcomers with fuck me! have you never used a hammer? what is it you do, then? this is a job? i see. congratulations. zus winks and walks past. malbin and tuvia watch them. as long as his village wife stays in hiding. this is all the food we have. you are welcome to share. come. sit. put down your guns. where are you from? the young man glares at zus. then, to tuvia: i know. i don't know. no. an armed brigade. here? --we must get what we need without killing. we can't make more enemies-- zus concentrates on opening the breach. --it won't bring your family back to life. or mama. or papa. and i can still see their faces. so this is god's work you're doing, zussie? we cannot become. like them. us? you are making the decisions now? a stand-off. zus stares back at him. the struggle for command has grown more obvious. we wait for dark. we did. hide! everyone! they all scramble back into the ditch, dragging the dead courier with them. stupid! the gunfire could be heard for miles. hurry--! into the fields! run! tuvia pulls peretz off the road, but jacov reloads his rifle and begins to fire at the approaching trucks. jacov, no! the trucks stop. troops pour off and begin returning fire. jacov is cut down by a machine gun. peretz, zus, and tuvia race into the wheat field. it's not clear if they can make it into the woods. a flare ignites overhead turning the wheat fields bright white in flickering incandescence. malbin is almost paralytic with fear. asael doesn't know which way to run. he plunges into the wheat field. but on the wrong side of the road. one of the trucks drives forward, cutting him off, using its spotlight to reveal him. fifteen soldiers start after him. zus. his rifle. zus races back to pick up peretz's weapon. asael. he rips the rifle from zus's hands. for a moment we think he's going to go back after him. instead, he wedges the rifle into a tree-trunk and takes careful aim. no. again i have no idea what you are talking about. around them, the beseeching eyes of so many hungry faces. enough! i said, enough! get up! get up! he made a mistake! that's right, zus. no mistakes. like last night. first they will torture asael. and then they will hang him. tuvia walks away, leaving his brother on the ground. you know me? i know we have no food. but tomorrow. tomorrow will be another mission. that was a mistake! but the mistakes we made will not be made again! more objections. tuvia must raise his voice to be heard. we could be here a long time. and we have to prepare. better security. better at getting food and information-- (talking over their i want to kill nazis, too, but we. just. cannot afford revenge. not right now. we cannot afford to lose friends like jacov and peretz. a small voice speaks up. or asael. we. we-- (trying to hold it we will map out where we've been so as to not visit the same farms too often. and we take only from those who can afford to give, and leave those who can't alone. true. but what i am saying is. what i mean is. we are not thieves. or murderers. we may be hunted like animals but we will not become animals. we have all chosen this -- to live free, like human beings, for as long as we can. each day of freedom is an act of faith. and if we die trying to live, at least we die like human beings. his mission statement. a vision of their future. everyone nods in mute acknowledgement. zus lowers his head. the shift in power between them has occurred. tuvia has emerged as the undisputed leader. now. they leave their cover and approach warily, guns at the ready. hello. she refuses to be flattered. in russian: i'm sorry. thank god. thank you. we need to know what's going on in the villages, how the germans patrol, who the informers are-- he realizes that asael is not fully concentrating; instead he is watching as chaya walks past. are you listening to me? what's her name? so talk to her. you spent three days in a cellar! asael blushes, returns the focus to their prior conversation. whose turn to go? you go along, just to make sure he understands my orders. asael nods. go on. go! what is it? thank you for telling me. we have to dig a trench around the new zemylanka. if it rains i'm afraid water will seep in. tuvia clearly cannot deal with his news. she was a beautiful woman. but cold. not a day went by she didn't remind me i wasn't a good provider. for years it wasn't really a marriage at all. and now. he lowers his head. all shimon can do is sit beside him. only food and guns! follow asael! asael clutches chaya's hand. rounding up others. lova, ben zion -- stay with us. asael, keep them moving. don't stop! the policemen enter the camp. a submachine gun rakes a shelter. kissely has found the escape trail into the woods. go! go! move! isaac, keep them moving! zus, asael, ben zion. tuvia motions for them to take defensive positions while the others escape.- the policemen emerge hurriedly through the trees and begin crossing the river. shots rings out. a policeman goes down. the german soldier is shot in the leg. they are dragged from the water. where are you from? you are from belarussia, pig! why do you work for the germans against your own people? soon it will be dark. see how you find your way home then! the policemen are having similar thoughts. they'll be back. we have to find a new camp. what does that mean? rest and eat. i need volunteers for a scouting party. zus raises his hand. tuvia nods in grudging gratitude. however mixed his feelings, zus can always be counted on. a brigade of independent fighters searching for our comrades. we belong to the bielski otriad. i'm sure we can clear up this misunderstanding with your commander. when you take food it is from loyal supporters. when we do, you call it stealing. and we fight a common enemy. the motherland doesn't distinguish between jews and non-jews. viktor is amused by this bit of soviet dogma. these jews do. viktor appraises tuvia for a moment. we are honored to be of service. tuvia and zus salute and head back the way they came. as if we have a choice. (throwing a smaller i haven't read one in years. malbin looks up from his work. i wasn't a very good student. you can ask shimon. yet you accept me as commander. but--? such as? malbin tries to think how best to put it. you have more ideas? about all this? i'm listening. we'll do what we can. we must send for whoever is left alive. then we will provide. i won't let that happen. tuvia exchanges a glance with malbin. zus catches it. he has sensed malbin's growing influence. no. i'll bring them out myself. yes. i cannot have you contradicting me. not when others are around. our family must stick together. don't call them that. they are people. jews. --what about bella? tuvia looks over at bella, who is anxiously watching. --you think she'd be with you if it wasn't for what is happening here? zus glares at him, but tries to control himself. --is it love zus? you are the man of her dreams? the romeo of novagrudok? zus can't take anymore. he charges tuvia, who sidesteps and slams him in the gut. all the frustration of the past months, not to mention years of sibling rivalry, translates into fists and elbows. ben zion moves to break it up. tuvia and zus turn on him. this way. there are rumors. of death camps. what if we were to take all of you? we will protect you. we have made alliances with the russian partisans. you want time? fine, i give you a day. a month. maybe a year. to live! your daughter is out there with us. your husband is waiting for you. an old orthodox rabbi stands nearby. rabbi? can you repair guns? see if you can fix this trigger. oppenheim slips on a pair of spectacles and studies the mechanism. it sticks. he digs into his pocket and produces a small file and expertly begins to shave the metal spur. he tests it, then hands it back to tuvia, who clicks the trigger. you have a new profession. a murmur of appreciation ripples through the group as shulman appears -- leading a magnificent white horse. my god, she's beautiful. may i? he mounts her easily, urges her around the perimeter, greeting the new arrivals. heads turn as he trots past. he is the center of attention, and he knows it. and likes it. friends, we are happy to see you safely among us. but there are many things you must learn about living here. all attention turns to him. the lubczanski brothers grumble to each other, none too pleased with tuvia's show-boating. once you are settled, you'll be assigned work duties. everyone works, no exceptions. we will help supply the russian partisans by making clothes, repairing guns. women will learn to use weapons and fight alongside men. tuvia takes a rifle from asael and holds it aloft. this is not a gun. it is bar kochba's spear. it is ehud's sword. you will all learn to protect yourselves. a little boy holds lilka's hand and looks up at tuvia in wonder. he cuts an iconic figure. madness. send out more missions. and bring shotguns. tuvia sets off. in every face he passes, there's misery and accusation in the shivering bodies and trembling blue lips. children stare at him with sunken, haunted eyes. lilka? everyone here has lost someone. she looks up at him, helpless to be so revealed. here. he takes off his wool coat and puts it around her shoulders. i will have asael send someone else. you know how to use this? she nods. leaving, she passes the lubczanski brothers, who are on their way in. she is not my aristocrat. lazar. i am coming from camp. the danger is from those coming to camp. no sign of the food mission? what's wrong with them all? medicine for typhus. i heard you. i'll go see viktor right away. on his way out, he passes lilka, who is being looked after. are you all right? i must go. we have sickness. i need ampicillin. if typhus breaks out in our camp, it may spread to yours. i must insist. comrade. of course. zus grabs his submachine gun. i'm going in with you. you don't have to do this. so more die. they will anyway. a grim smile from zus. tuvia is broken up inside. zus. for luck. zuz pockets it and joins the others creeping into the shadows. but rather than follow them into the police station, we hold on tuvia's face. suddenly we hear the sound of gunfire. then nothing. ten seconds. more gunfire. twenty. it is excruciating. thirty. the longest close-up in film history. what about the others?! the others? so you're a communist now, zus? zus lays his head back on the seat, closes his eyes. come back to us. zus won't look at him. you are my brother. whassa problem, arkady? policy is. same for all. if someone is stealing he'll face consequences. asael is astonished that tuvia would go against him in public and embarrassed by his public drunkenness. reduced rations for one week. both of you. this matter is settled. everybody back in line. people are staring at him. what are you looking at? back in yes. i know. --what? maybe they're right. asael looks at him. no longer the brother he once idealized. zus. the way they look at me. with their pasty faces. let them starve, we're all going to die out here anyway. moses. i am not a leader. how long was i asleep? and you've nursed me the whole time? did you study nursing at university? i never went to university. my wife's father had a store. before the race laws. she is is dead. tell me more about university. i'd love to hear you play. who doesn't? chopin the butcher from novogrudok. thank you, lilka. what happened? asael just looks over at the food line -- where arkady has grabbed chaya by the waist -- to the delight of the others. tuvia strides over to them. what is this? against my orders. as long as i am the leader of this group, you will obey my commands. asael! asael comes running. get a message to zus. he's got to tell viktor they're coming. do you hear that? this is against my orders. i cannot allow it. he turns away. i cannot keep the living alive. tamara and the man who fathered this child are responsible for its fate. lilka. shhh. the germans are coming into the forest. i don't know what is going to become of us. no. you have saved mine. he reaches for her but before they can begin to make love again-- the blanket door is pushed aside. malbin is there. yes? they're coming for us. group members have begun to gather around him. they begin to hurl insults -- schtik drek, paskudnyak -- as the hapless man is pushed to his knees. entrance points, wetlands, obstacles. you read this. did you reach viktor? reeboynoy shel oylum. lord of the universe. we have done unspeakable things yet still i seek your mercy. he hears something. malbin waits at the edge of the forest. his face is drawn and pale from what has just happened. we can't fight an entire division. we've done our part for the motherland. and the others? old people, women and children. and if i refuse? tomorrow is passover. yes? moses. the exodus. malbin doesn't get it at first. --he left before pharaoh could stop them. now malbin understands. he looks at shimon. we leave now. spread the word. take cover! must. go! the germans. coming! malbin looks around, panicked. asael appears out of the smoke, yells at malbin above the din. don't try to fight. just slow them down. then join us. asael nods. no need for more words. they embrace fiercely. asael pushes chaya toward tuvia. come. he forces her to join him and catch up to the others. show me. are the others back yet? . asael? malbin shakes his head once more. asael is not coming back. chaya begins to weep. riva comforts her. you have a weapon? she shows him her revolver. he checks the clip, then looks into her eyes. use it on yourself before you let them take you. she nods gravely. suddenly a voice interrupts. each person takes care of the other. .give him your belt. asael nods at tuvia gratefully. the group is hushed, apprehensive. then: no tracks on land. get back in. it is almost impossible to make any progress. especially when one is weak and malnourished. come. shimon can't catch his breath, he just shakes his head, no. he can't go on. tuvia half-drags, half-carries him onward. take off your glasses. reflections. tuvia moves off to check on the others. we're lost. not a sound. pass the word. we watch as the order is passed down the line. parents hold hands over their childrens' mouths. shimon is carried on an improvised litter made of branches. right here. shimon is at the end. shhhh. ridiculous. back to the river! he pushes people down. they cling to the banks, cowering. those with weapons take cover, using the embankment as if it were the lip of a trench. they return fire -- old men, young women, even some children. only weapons and ammunition! spread the word. tuvia hands him the machine gun. go on. lilka is carrying a small child. lilka, please help. we've got to get the injured into the forest. everybody gather your things! we have to get out of the open! nearby, aron removes the machine from the tank and hands it to zus. bella approaches. zus embraces her. tuvia seizes one of the german rifles. he yells to shulman. shulman! weapons only! tell them. you've been promoted. congratulations! tuvia turns, sees bella with zus. they see him. zus hands bella the machine gun from the tank and approaches. where is the rest of your unit? you are going back? we've got to build a new camp. zus nods. don't you hear it? nothing. isn't it beautiful? we hold on tuvia. he has aged ten years in one.