i am viktor panchenko, commander of the october otriad. we have had complaints of a jewish gang stealing from villages loyal to us. how do you respond to these charges? we are soldiers. but jews do not fight. we will see. select your best fighters and send them to us. zus looks at tuvia, knowing he has no choice. you are related to bielski? indeed. he walks away. zus has found a home. another dead soldier! zus looks at him, bleary-eyed, confused. viktor explains: more dead soldiers than empty bottles. at least you drink like one. so tell me about this brother of yours. you are such an idiot. you compete with him. my older brother and i have the same relationship. a soldier. he was killed in the first hour of the german invasion. this sobers them up a bit. --and every time we try to move, they radio back to police hq which houses the transmitter. here. yes, yes, my hebrew warrior. except for the troops in stankiewcze and the machine guns out front. the tent flap opens. tuvia enters. he has developed a cough. two bielski's in one room! to what do we owe this honor? this medicine is reserved for fighters. i will have to take that chance. zus looks from one immovable force to the other. you'd better not. zus is watching this dick-measuring with keen interest. you found these on the prisoner? tuvia nods. viktor studies the scout's documents. tisking. the battle on the eastern front has begun. the more troops we engage here, the fewer they have to attack the motherland. my orders are to take command of all partisan operations. you will bring the rest of your fighters to me. in war there are casualties. you are officially a deserter. do you know the policy on dealing with deserters? viktor unfolds a paper flyer from his pocket. the germans are offering fifty thousand marks for information leading to your capture. not a very flattering likeness. too jewish. viktor rejoins his bodyguards, turns back for a last word. have your men in my camp by tonight. he walks off. asael takes the wanted poster from tuvia. no. so we can keep fighting. everyone must sacrifice in the struggle. i am your brother! he is your brother! comrade zus. your jewish sentimentality is heart-warming, but counter-revolutionary. zus has secretly known he would hear these words. he grips his rifle but holds his tongue.