that's great. your mom must be a wonderful woman. look at it this way, you're a black guy in boston. you don't need any help from me to be completely fucked. to where. rage issues and lower median iq. sir, i was agreeing with you about our obvious superiority to other forms of police, sir. sir, yes sir. sir, yes, sir, i have an idea. uncle jackie was a carpet layer for jordan marsh. that's right. i remember his funeral. that's right. what's this got to do with me? and one priest. since you seem to know everything. you a psychiatrist? well. families are always rising or falling in america. am i right? hawthorne. i'm all set without your personal job application, sergeant. sir, with all due respect, sir, what is it you want from me? you sure of that? i don't have any family. you mean stephanie who was the only one who came to my father's funeral? that stephanie? nothing much to it uncle edward. when you say "family", what do you mean? you? yeah, well, maybe it would have done you some good to have a question from time to time. "am i an asshole?" "are my kids a mess?" "is my wife a money-grubbing whore?" those are questions. "have i been good to my dying sister or am i just pretending to be?" too late now, right? when my mother dies we don't have any connection. you got it? so what do i do? every weekend. sergeant. who wants to know? my cousin. aunt cathy? i got kicked out about four months ago. well. so you know. i brought your mother some pictures of my father. my mother had them. my mother's dead. no. not for a long time. down the cape after rose's wedding. i think. listen, i got twenty thousand dollars when my mother died. insurance. in your line of work, if i gave you ten thousand dollars what could you give me back? that's what i'm saying. you fuckin' moron. what are you talking about? i'm not a cop. i'm your cousin. why would you even think of stopping drinking? who says? a cranberry juice. get your hands off me. no. yeah. excellent. fine. yeah. yeah. cranberry juice. you guys from providence? no. is his real name mister french? is it something i can't do personally? search me? search me for what? yeah. he's dead. he didn't complain. who said he had a fuckin' problem. are you saying he was nothing? no. i am not a cop. yes! thank you. yeah, he was president before lincoln. i'd like to squeeze some fuckin' money out of it. i won't do it if i have to wear a wire. no wires. ever, ever, you understand me? you don't know what this is like. micro what? what the fuck. i didn't know. yeah, well. fuck. he was. okay! you gonna give me shit, it wasn't no reason----he put his hand in his coat! i don't know if he's a bookie or what the fuck he's doing. pays you. i got it. i got it. don't look. there's a white van across the parking lot? what, do you got x-ray vision? i don't know. anyone not a criminal is a minus? he never, ah, i mean never? so what are talking about here? look at it this way. it's like a tuba. i want to see if i can get something out of it. with all due respect, mr. costello, school's out. i'm going fuckin' nuts. i can't be someone else every day. i'm not them. maybe i'll fucking kill you. when are you going to take costello? what's wrong with taking 'em on any one of the million felonies you've seen him do. get him for pissing in the street. what, are you waiting for him to chop me up and feed me to the poor? there's something wrong. are you serious? jesus h. christ. okay. it's like confession. isn't it. this sort of thing. people make things up in confession. you know that? people are liars. they want to be stars of their little films. do you lie? i'm asking if you lie. you lie. so, is it to do some good, to get somewhere personally, or just for the fuck of it? so, you had a parent who was a drunk? no. there was a cop leaving when i came in. bad haircut, no dress sense and a slight air of scumbag entitlement. you see cops? you should get a better job. do they all come in and cry. your cops? let me tell you something. they signed up to use their fuckin' weapons. most of them. but they watch enough tv so they know they have to "weep" after they use their weapons. no one's more full of shit than a cop. except a cop on tv. you want to hear about the showers? no. you sit there with a mass murderer, your heart-rate jacked, your hand. steady. that's one thing i found out about myself in prison. my hand doesn't shake, ever. i have to come here. you want the truth? valium. what's that say about what you do for a living? i'm having panic attacks. you didn't even ask about that. last night i thought i was having a fucking heart attack. i puked in a trash barrel on the way in here, i haven't slept for weeks. yes. i said something true. i want some fucking pills and you close my file? i thought i was supposed to tell the truth here. if only fuckin' here. guy comes in in pain, against every instinct of . privacy, of, of, self reliance. that he has, and you don't help him? you send him off to score smack on the fucking street?! two pills. why don't you just give me a bottle of scotch and a handgun to blow my fucking head off. are we done here with this psychiatry bullshit? what if that was a legitimate threat? . because you're bored and tired and don't give a shit. it's not supernatural. what's this? is it enough to kill myself? thank you. you wanna get a cup of coffee? what about us, frank? what're we gonna do? i'm gonna get on a plane unless you put queenan on the phone. why shouldn't i get on a fucking plane? meet up? do you actually want me dead? there's a rat in your unit. that's a fact. you just don't know it. where's queenan? they knew you had cameras in the building. you have a leak from the inside. it's real. smoke him out. disinform. let it slip to siu that you're getting a sealed wiretap warrant for costello's apartment. don't tell anyone in our department but tell siu. flush it and see if it comes out of the pipe on my end. that's first. narrow it down. where's queenan. it's me. confucius say that? "something radical," huh? so how long you been with this guy? you love this guy? a head case or anything? i'm just curious. then you're lucky. considering the odds, right? good, give him a shot. yeah, that's because of vastly superior intelligence. godlike, really. what would you do if he was standing right there and saw us? you take off an armored car at the dedham mall and what do you do. do you pay guineas in providence? what the fuck do you do. fbi? what the fuck are you talking about. what the fuck did you just say about the fbi? whatever's going through your very poor, very limited, brain. i'm not going to hurt you. just tell me what you just fucking said. tell me what the fuck you said. let's go. hey, it's me. come here. costello is giving people up to the he gives information to the fbi. he's a protected informant. aren't they trying to make it a federal case? and it never gets made? no, i. i don't have a bank account. what's he doing, setting up iras? no, no, no. jesus christ. i'm not sitting in this room without a tetanus shot. i'm not staying. why can't ellerby's guys? siu. your name's on the pill label. i thought you weren't supposed to be in the book, in case of obsessive patients. medium. i really liked our conversations. i've been. regretting that we didn't continue. our conversations. thanks. if this is inappropriate. i can leave. you moving in or out? yeah, i know. yeah. yeah i would. thank you. sugar? no. hedging your bets? decision. move in with your boyfriend? yeah, i think so. you don't have cats. i like that. that's good. no. no. what does that matter? what about the fbi. stupid. well, that leaves me out. better safe than sorry, i suppose. i look around at your guys. they're all murderers right? i think "could i do murder?" and all i can answer myself is, "what's the difference". yeah, that's my point. you accuse me once, i put up with it. you accuse me twice, i quit. if you make me fear for my life, i put a fucking bullet in your head as if you were anybody else. you're seventy fucking years old. one of these guys is going to pop you. as for running drugs, what the fuck. you don't need the pain in the ass, and they're going to catch you. and you don't need the money. is there something you want to ask me, frank? you said there is one. i base most of what i do on the idea that you're pretty fucking good at what you do. how many of these guys been with you long enough to be disgruntled? who needs more money than you pay them? you don't pay much, you know. it's almost a feudal fuckin' enterprise. the question is, who thinks that they would do what you do better than you? i probably could be you. i know that much. but i don't want to be you. i thought i was on for that. huh? right. i'm going home. he's playing with his new boys. later. he's moving something with all new guys. i don't want to tell you what or where. it might be disinformation. it probably is. just keep following him. i need to see you today. no. today. look down the car. got me? any reason you'd have a tail? i'm watching a guy. okay. get off at south station. you wait there for ten minutes. after i leave i'll text message you the address where we'll meet. i'll make sure you don't have a tail. i told you, he's got dope coming in, i don't know where. he's getting spooky, captain. he's crazy. i just saw the man. he had blood all over him. i can't get any more information for you. i can't trust it. he's not including his regular guys. i'm telling you, he's gonna find out who i am. he's gonna fuckin' kill me, i know it. yeah? what about the fbi? what? you were fucking followed. costello's people. no. one of the cops he's got inside tipped him. they'll be on the elevators, too. what'll you do? what the fuck happened? i came to meet you. boss told me to go home. i was in a fucking grocery store with no signal. when i got a signal i got the call. what the fuck do you want. was i there or was i not there? huh? jesus christ. when you're dead it makes no difference where they put you. what's that? yeah, so? he's dead. i'm going home. i tried to call you a few times. it's okay, okay, i know. you called this number on a dead guy's phone. who are you? who are you? let me talk to dignam to confirm it. how do you know you don't have a tail? what if they took one off and put another one on, frank? frank told me to check out the back. you guys go ahead. yeah. "trooper". long time. long fuckin' time. i just want my identity back. no, being a cop's not an identity. i want my identity back. you'll have to excuse me. my only contact has been with a police shrink. what are you gonna do about the rat in this building? i'm all done being a cop. i just want to get my money and go home. the password's my name, william costigan, jr. they gave it to me in case something happened to them and i had to explain myself to someone like you. i know. i'm not here to. i'm not here for that. i've got something to. to give to you. something i need you to keep. for me. i need you to be my friend here and not ask any questions. that's for you to hold. only you. open this if i'm dead or if i call you and tell you to open it. please do exactly what it says. exactly what it says, please. i'm sorry to show up here like this. there was no one else i could give it to. i'm sorry. there was no one else. whatever you have to say, really think about it, and if you still want to tell me, tell me in two weeks, all right? costello recorded everything. he put all the tapes in a little box and kept them with his lawyer. that was his insurance. his lawyer came to me. costello trusted me the most. imagine that you rat fuck. sound quality good enough? i was a little worried. i want my identity, you two-faced rat prick. three o'clock. where queenan died. you keep your cell on. get your hands up. hands. hands. what did you say? you didn't come here to talk, you fuckin' maggot, you came here to get arrested. get up and shut your fuckin' mouth. would you shut the fuck up. you erased me? what would happen is the bullet would go right through your fuckin' head. what, you think you're gonna get the parade? the bagpipes and bullshit? fuck you. i'm arresting you. shut up, shut up, shut the fuck up. i don't give a fuck if these charges don't stick. but i'm still fucking arresting you. get up. i said get the fuck up. i called you. you specifically. you know who i am. i'm not gonna shoot. i told you to meet me downstairs. where's dignam? i told you to bring dignam! he was costello's rat. i got evidence. tapes. other documents. i told you i've got the evidence cold linking this prick to costello. you fuckin' know who i am. i'm taking him downstairs now. i am killing you.