yes. fucking firemen are getting pussy for the first time in the history of fire. or pussy. you're in trouble if you're "only" anything. douchebag! thank you, sergeant. thank you, sir. thanks, hon. siu. what a country. i don't mind going it alone. if you could go it alone you might get somewhere yourself. i know you're a worker. i might be able to do something for you. you got any suits at home or you like coming to work looking like you're gonna invade poland. i'm a state police detective. no. i have a cosigner. give me the fuckin' papers. what was his name? the, ah, departed. i know that guy. his father runs the hibernian liquor mart. kennefick's. mrs. kennefick, myles and i were in school together. myles was behind me in school but i knew him. i will get those responsible. don't you want to see us catch whoever used him to do a robbery and then killed him? "allegedly". you don't mean robbery do you, mrs kennefick? that's not what you think he did wrong. you get that? welcome to the neighborhood. making a house call? no, no. i know what you do. i know who you are. when guys have to "use their "service revolvers" in the "course of duty" they get to talk to you about their "feelings" and whatnot. no. oh, i know how it goes. you're a mental health professional. that's good. they're all fuckin' crazy on that floor. i'm one floor up. that's right. fancy. yeah, i'm also getting my law degree. they don't run harvard law at night, last time i checked. before i went to fucking suffolk. well i thought you were, and for that you have to take me to dinner. whatever it takes. i'll stab someone in the heart with an icepick right now if it gets me dinner with you. i don't need a card, i'm a detective. i'm only joking. nice to meet you. "madolyn". i didn't know about your tail until i saw it myself. i couldn't call, i had the other guy with me. blue sedan and a white delivery van, fucked up with graffiti on the side. the van is audio surveillance. ok, have a nice day. you also do probation work, right? bad guys. that have this and they don't have duck l'orange. oh, the lobster was excellent. i just thought, french restaurant. i don't know what you're gonna do, but if it moves i'm going to arrest it . what's it like having people "find themselves?" all day long people "finding themselves." does it get messy with all those feelings flying around the room? yes i do. who says i want to see you again? yes, course i do. what freud said about the irish is we're the only people impervious to psychoanalysis. tough luck for you with a client list of mick cops, isn't it. "opening up"? good luck to you. why do you do it? fair enough. including the criminals? me? i'd just arrest innocent people. i'll arrest you right now. you don't know the half of it. the principles of detection tell me that these men came from providence. this is my crime scene, but knock yourself out. i saw a dead guy. i think i have post traumatic stress. you available for lunch? see you then. in the trunk or the glove box?. all right. wanna see some dead guys? this will get captain ellerby on the six o'clock news. i've been put in charge of this unit. it is a small surveillance sub-unit but it is mine. and i didn't take this job in order to fuck it up, or to let anyone else fuck it up, whosoever they may be. i hand picked this group. you are my a-team so i want you to conduct yourselves accordingly. hi, captain. and our primary target is obviously frank costello. but we don't communicate with anyone else in this shop. queenan is compartmentalizing everything in siu. it's the right thing to do, personally i don't trust these fucking troopers either. we think we might have a problem. we think costello's got a rat in the state police. yeah. really. no. ah. not presently. not presently. but i'm hoping to get things. reorganized. that's it. congratulations. don't disappoint me. hello dad. i have a new job. i'm not making enough progress with costello? jimmy pappas. he had a heart attack in jail and got knifed in his bed at boston city hospital. i believe it's been in the papers. it's a result. cui gives a shit. it's got a bow on it. what have you got? at least one. he's one of costello's crew. who's the lawyer? did he beep him? all right. give me your phone. turn the camera off. turn it off. give my your phone and turn the fucking camera off. who's is this? i'm gonna take this. mr. fitzgibbon, afternoon. what do you think? did you make any statements or phone calls i need to be aware of? that's it? don't you have to call your mother and tell her you're not gonna be home for supper? the cameras are off. call your mother. lookit. they're in there suiting up for a raid. i don't know where they are going, but they do. and so do you. call your mum. i think you need another attorney, after all, mr. fitzgibbon. have a nice day. run the last number called. that'll be his house. whatever the location is i'll swear i surveilled him at it. abracafuckindabra. because you didn't go in there. i gotta go to work. did you guys know anything about this? go find out what we're doing and get on it. dad? i'm not going to make dinner. something big has come up. oh, my friends are still coming. we'll just say lunch tomorrow. all right, bye. thank you, captain. all right. that's costello right there. costello, mister french, fitzy, delahunt, billy costigan the new guy. time is 10.46. good morning. how was the last night in the, ah, old establishment? i'm glad to hear that. it sucked here, too. uncle alphonsus is in heaven. so am i. yeah. hey, can i. well, we're not having this out. you don't see any pictures of where i came from. look, i respect who you are, but not in the living room. we might have company. why work for the state? not forever, and you don't have to. you've got degrees. you're a hot shit. i mean, what you do, why make as much as a guidance counselor? now you're just being ridiculous. yes i do. answer it. you live here. who is it? hello? something for work. nothin', nothin'. it doesn't have any power, that's all. it just happened once. yes. yes. as i said, she was gonna move in, so she moved in. last time i checked, i tipped you off and you're not in jail. yes. yes. yes i do. i been gettin' that same feeling. look, i have no access to undercover files in queenan's department. it's locked up. queenan and dignam run the snitches. they don't give anybody a peep. i'm doing the best. please frank, if you don't relax i can't relax. let's start with this. get me all the information on the people around you last night. everyone that works for you. get me real first names. get me. okay, frank. i'm sorry. could you please get me social security numbers, ah, i need drivers license numbers, full names, dates of birth, anything like that. bank account numbers, everything that you don't get from a criminal record or, or a wrap sheet or a. what? no, no, no. that was a guy who works for me. not exactly. there are certain things i will not be able to talk to you about. i cannot allow you to jeopardize an ongoing investigation. there really are things connected to my job that you can't ask about. that you don't want to know about. i will. thank you. you still wanna stay? all right. all right. i'm coming. i don't get it. right. well, that's just a dream job for a cop. no. everything's great. on schedule. she's a doctor. oh, it's working. overtime. jesus christ, frank, i almost shot you. frank, we got problems. i don't crack up. why did you show up then? why am i not fuckin' surprised. look. how the fuck did you know that? i have to find myself. i have to find the guy you have in the department. frank, for me, you've got to lay low. yeah, big fuckin' daddy frank. lookit, frank, what good am i to you if you don't listen to me? queenan's compartmentalizing. he's fuckin' smart, you know that. i will find this rat if you let me do it my way. if you let me do my job. why would you need to remind me of that? i didn't know that would i be any good at what i do? trust me, i know how to do this. it involves lying, and i'm pretty fucking good at that, right? no. no, frank, not a thing. and i promise you i would have heard about it. morning. a problem? the day you wouldn't take a promotion, you let me know. and i wouldn't even have a job if you did yours. i need to know the identity of your undercovers. morning, captain. they are not happy with me. especially staff sergeant dignam. fair enough. well one of them has to be dirty, we know that, right? who is that? fair enough. really? did he get a look at him? nothing that could help us? any advice? generally? this is sullivan. i need constant surveillance on captain queenan, starting right now. if i wasn't with the mass state police. if i did it full time,law school, i'd be through in a year. i'm thinking that. if i wasn't a trooper. nothing. nothing. there's nothing going on. just thinking. i got some money. another city. i'm thinking that. i want you to know you don't gotta stay. if we're not going to make it, it's got to be you that gets out. i'm not capable i'm fuckin' irish, so i'll deal with something being wrong for the rest of my life. yes, go ahead. i have to follow every lead, however unlikely, however fucking painful it might be to your delicate fucking sensibilities. i have reason to believe that queenan is costello's informer. follow him, and don't get made. i think i've got him. i think queenan is meeting with him right now. yes. what came off the roof? what do you mean something came off the roof? go again with that information. no. stay where you are. i need some fucking information here. what came off the building? no. i told internal investigations to follow him. that's internal investigations business. i have to investigate everybody and anybody. i don't have to justify anything. nor does anyone have to like it. i now have information. from a very good source. that queenan may have been killed by his own undercover. captain queenan and staff sergeant dignam here have information on this undercover, and other informants, in a locked file. i need those files unlocked. that's a lie. what? i need those codes. your shouldn't have killed queenan. you're crazy, frank. you killed the guy who has all the information. and dignam's not in the office, he's gone. he resigned. he's fucking gone. they took his papers in. he's not talking. i don't know where he is. i will. yeah. so it is you. thank god you're all right. we were very worried. you're talking to sergeant sullivan. i'm taking over queenan's unit. staff sgt. dignam has. taken a leave of absence. he's very upset. we're all very upset. the best thing would be for your to come in. we need you to come in. don't go. you've got a tail. two cars. not very subtle. they won't be subtle from now on. that's what i've been trying to tell you. there's no need to go yourself, frank. i will. all right. stop. stop. pull these guys off. tell your team to stop following costello. we don't need to surveil him. i have it from an undercover: costello knows he's being followed. let our uc take him in. queenan's guy. he called me when he found out queenan was dead. i'm running him. no. but i can give you costello's destination. yes. and what he's about to do. call off the tail, and get special ops. get them on standby. we meet him where he's going. suit up. we're gonna take this prick tonight. it's the heavy equipment warehouse costello owns on sheffield. he must have a container or a truck in there. go. there's an exit on the other side. cover it. we'll take him when he comes out. you're an fbi informant. do they know who i am? did you give me up? frank, frank, do they know about me? a son. to you? is that what it is about, all that murderin' and fuckin' and no sons? what are you, shooting blanks? i got costello! i got costello here! it's not any reason for, ah. thank you. caller id. on queenan's phone. you know that guy? i'm gonna go talk to him. good to see you trooper. colin sullivan. we spoke on the phone. how long have you been undercover? i can't begin to tell you what a debt we owe you. i want you to know i'll be recommending you for the medal of merit. it's the highest honor we got. you want to be a cop again? a police shrink. was that. helpful for you? i'm gonna find him. don't you worry about that. you got anything? did frank, ah, say anything. fair enough. you've given a lot. i can get you your file. i just need your password. all right, bill. just give me a minute. i'm gonna go in the other room. this computer's gone blooey on me. i was dreaming. i was dreaming i was dead. what's this? really? really? you're joking. what? your guys shouldn't have done that. i'm now in charge of everything here. including queenan's informers. theoretically. i can't unlock the files until after the brass squeezes dignam. if the brass squeezes dignam. he's fucking resigning. he put his papers in. he's not talking. i can explain. what do you want? where are you? did we not talk about this? this is my job. put the fuckin' gun down. i came here to talk some fucking sense to you. you get a hold of yourself and put down the fuckin' firearm and act professional and i can get you your money. i can get you your. fuck, shit. arrested? arrested for what. so you got tapes of what? costello was my informant. i was his rat? fuck you. prove it. i say he was my informant. what is this, a citizen's arrest? blow me, prick. only one of us is a cop, here, bill. nobody knows who you are. nobody knows who you are. i'm a sergeant in the mass. state police. who the fuck are you? nobody. i erased you. go ahead. shoot a cop, einstein. see what happens. watch what happens. that's the stupidest thing you could do. help me. shoot the fuckin' prick. shoot the motherfucker! i can't wait for you to try to explain this to a suffolk county grand jury. this is gonna be fun. just fucking kill me. all right. give me that. at that time, trooper barrigan, who i now understand to have been francis costello's informer in siu, intercepted us in the lobby and shot trooper william costigan once in the head. at that time barrigan retrieved trooper costigan's undercover weapon and shot trooper brown as he was approaching our location. i attempted to subdue trooper barrigan and in the ensuing struggle was struck several times with the walther pistol. i was able to wrestle the weapon away, at which time barrigan drew his own weapon and took aim at me. i was able to get off a single shot, striking barrigan in the head. i then checked for vital signs of troopers brown and costigan and discovered that they had expired. i'd like to go on record that i am recommending trooper william costigan for the medal of merit. what about the baby?