i don't want to be a product of my environment. i want my environment to be a product. of me. years ago, we had the church. that was only a way of saying we had each other. the knights of columbus were head-breakers. they took over their piece of the city. twenty years after an irishman couldn't get a job, we had the presidency. that's what the niggers don't realize. if i got one thing against the black chaps it's this. no one gives it to you. you have to take it. get him three loaves of bread. and a couple of half gallons of milk. and some soup. do you like comic books? jeez, she fell funny. school's out. you earned it. yeah, no more teachers, no more books. wave to your girlfriend. cut 'em here. bye, bye. do you know who i am? you met my friend, mister french the other night. no. come with me. i'm not the cops. i'm not askin' you. you know something, they just do not stop having the mafia in providence, and this can cause problems for me. those guys you tuned up are connected down providence. what they're going to do is come back up with some guys and kill you. which, sure as you're born, they will do unless i stop them. do you want me to stop them? i'm going to have my associate search you. contra-fucking-band. take your fuckin' shoes off. i knew your father. i'm sorry. how did he go? that was his problem. i just said he had a fuckin' problem. there's a man could have been anything. i'm saying he worked at the airport. the arm. it makes me curious to see you in this neighborhood. regressing. and, if i can slander my own formative environment, it makes me sad, this regressing. plus, i don't know if it's beyond some cop prick like fucking queenan to pull you out of the staties, and send you after me. i just can't know. i don't know what they do in. that department, anyway. are you still a cop? you swear on your mother's grave that you're not a cop. you stop doing coke deals with your jerk-off cousin? take it easy. get your hand taken care of. i'm sorry. it was necessary. as for our problem with providence. let's not cry over spilled guineas. what's this ira motherfucker doing in my bar? only kidding. how's your mother? we all are. act accordingly. do you trust him? his uncle jackie was. you don't trust a guy behaves like he's got nothin' to lose. well, you're one in a million. what about your wife? she wasn't. "another county heard from." who's the lead detective?. good, he's a moron. i want you to get the cops to look at jimmy pappas for the hit. of course he had nothing to do with it and will say so. you look in his car. and find. the gun that did it. have a seat, billy. you know john lennon? lennon said `i'm an artist. you give me a fuckin' tuba and i'll get you something out of it'. smart mouth. too bad. the point with john lennon is a man can look at anything and make something out of it. for instance, i look at you and i think what can i use you for? get rid of this. maybe we can work something out. let me get dressed. so? well, you know what the fuck a bookie does? bingo. anyway, i like a guy who goes around knocking guys teeth out for no reason. here. from now on call the bar and ask for mikey. just mikey. you ask for mikey because there's no mikey. wait. we'll call. they don't have directional microphones. they don't have directional microphones. people looking at you make you self- conscious? why? they're minuses. they can't tell the difference between a rock star and a career criminal. what are you soft? that's not what i said. eat something, jesus christ, we got a nice day by the water. sun's shining, gulls are up. nice smell of ozone. you know if your father were alive and saw you, sitting here with me, let's say he would have a word with me about this, in fact, he'd kill seven guys just to cut my throat. and he could do it, which is something you may not know about william costigan, sr. he kept his own counsel. he never wanted money. you can't do a thing with a man like that. your uncle jackie needed a lot of money. but even though he got his money from me, he also would kill my entire fucking family if he saw me here with you. and i think about this. fact is you're not a guy fresh from the zoo who wants to run a spring water distributor and i don't see you up the dog track as a general manager. you ever think of going back to school? well that's your problem. maybe someday you'll wake the fuck up. good day, fathers. you recall our chat? "i am as god made me", was that what you said? may i remind you, god don't run the bingo in this archdiocese. what comes before the fall is the summertime. how is sister mary theresa doing? we had a tasty relationship before she took her vows. enjoy your clams, cocksuckers. yes? too bad. your mother worked all goddamned day. we'll just have to sit down without you and your friends. turn off your cell phones. check your weapons. fitzy has the chicken. how you going, robert? tell him light on the starch. government man. i'm concerned about chinamen who think it's wise to bring automatic weapons to a business transaction. for his own good, tell bruce lee and the karate kids none of us are carrying automatic weapons because here, in this country, it don't add inches to your dick. you get a life sentence for it. if these chinks want to nuke taiwan any time in this century, you tell them they better shape up fast and show me one million dollars. what we generally do in this country is one guy shows up with the items, and the other guy pays him. no tickee. no laundry. in english, thank you, also. the expedition continues this way. see, no surveillance here. they didn't figure we had a navy. always figure an exit for your business partners. what with everything all dug up, you can't trust a slant to find the mass pike and, with or without staties out front, frankly i don't approve of orientals driving to begin with. we depart. we didn't commit no illegalities. what the fuck is it with your phone? was that that shrink cunt answered the phone? you better get organized, quick. are you listening to me? are listening to me, son? do you like little miss thing sucking your cock? so earn it. i'm gettin' the feeling we got a cop in my crew. he's one of yours. inside. have you seen anything? your best? what do you think we're in, the fuckin' haberdashery business? get you? give you? who the fuck do you work for? collie, calm down or you'll shoot in your pants. i'll get you the records and whatnot. you'll have 'em but listen to me son, don't disappoint me on this, or some other guy will be putting their cock up little miss freud's ass. my mother called me francis. oh, what did your father call you, charlie? oh yeah, i forgot, he wasn't around. microprocessors. oh yeah, i heard that story. you arrested some chinese government guy at the border carrying some light sockets or somethin'. wouldn't you rather wipe my ass for me? if you could've you would've but i guess you like to go at your own pace. excuse me, i've got a date with some angels. oh yeah, be dirty. see anything you like? you're not indulging in self abuse are you? i hope you're not turning into one of those sob sisters, who wants to get caught. you're not crackin' up are you? pick a place where any cop could see you. i own the place. you're gettin' reassigned. where'd they put you? you're telling me, sonny boy. with everybody looking up their own ass and you looking for yourself, i put my money on nobody finding nothing. laying low is not what i do. okay. but colin, i hope i won't have to remind you, that if you don't find that cheese eating rat bastard in your department so we can give him a halo, most likely it won't be me who pays for it. maybe it's because it's always been so easy for me to get cunt that i never understood jerking off in a theatre. who knows what's easy? collie, take care of business. you got a girlfriend? depends. i'm sure you know by now there's an informer in my crew. cop. staties or boston police department, i'm not sure. it ain't. trust me. the ex-wife, an old friend or stupid. that's what brings you down in this business. past days, case like this. i killed everybody who works for me. on the other hand, back then, it was only five. or six. and french. give em up to the almighty. like that. you got something you want to say to me, william? i haven't needed "the money" since i took archie's milk money in the third grade. tell the truth, i don't need pussy any more,but i still like it. point i'm making. you see. i got this rat. gnawing, cheese eating fucking rat. questions come up. questions. see, bill, you're the new guy. and the girlfriend. why don't you stay in the bar when i get the numbers. your numbers. everybody's numbers. start with, you agree there is a rat? sure, sure, all that aside. but you bill, what would you do? only one that can do what i do is me. you want to be me? heavy lies the crown. sort of thing. thank you, jimmy. see you tomorrow. there's a boat coming in, up in gloucester. french will give you all the details. you heard nothing? nothing about drugs. nothing about new guys, nothing about gloucester? you're sure. no other departments, no codes, like that. okay, collie. i will. it ain't bill. no way, he says. thank god for billy. you can get out of here. this is the crew for tonight. i changed my mind. take the night off. jimmy, get the mop. now, when i hear lucia, i can't stop thinking about the cocaine curtsy you did on that nigger broad's face. what? one of us was going to have to die. with me it tends to be the other guy. i don't give a fuck about dignam. don't get your balls in an uproar, collie. that irish piss-ant won't be a problem. he's so hot for me, we give him a whiff of my ass, he'll crawl right in it. let's give him a whiff. don't worry. i'll take care of it. sweetheart, you're giving me a hard- on. hey, watch your fucking mouth. the cops are saying he's a cop so i won't look for the cop. are you soft? the next time i tell you to dump a body in the marshes, put it in the fuckin' marshes, not where some guy from john hancock goes every thursday to get a blowjob! proceed. jesus christ. what? get rid of them. get rid of the fuckin' tail! tails. fuckin' rats. this rat shit is wearing me thin. load it. were you in the fuckin' car? load. cocksucker. jesus colin, grow up. course i'm talking to the fbi. i never gave up anybody who wasn't goin' down anyway. nobody knows nothin'. i know you, colin. you know i'd never give you up. you're like. one of us was going to have to die. it tends to be the other guy. so dignam's the only one with the keys to the kingdom. give me his location. tonight. 138: billy is talking on the phone, in a fury.