this unit is new, and you are the newest members of it. you have been selected for it on the basis of intelligence and aptitude. this is an elite unit. our job is to smash--or at least marginally disrupt-- --organized crime in this city by our own efforts and by enhanced cooperation with the fbi, represented here by agent frank lazio-- and we will do it. and by organized crime in this city. you know who we mean. that's jackie costigan. that's an old picture. jackie met his demise. last known photograph. costello uses three key guys. there's fitzy. off the boat psycho. lives in brockton with his mother who looks like she's straight out of "going my way". there's delahunt, muscle, and here's french. the number one. but of course the rock star is. we've done a briefing book. read up. i want to have any and all ideas, so i can pass them off as my own. do your jobs and you will rise fast. you're in the best position in the department. let's go to work. staff sergeant dignam is our liaison with the undercover section. their undercover work is extensive. he's here to give us his report. sgt. dignam. fuck yourself. how's your mother? we are not here to solve the "case of the dead scumbag". we are here to nail costello. we'd miss less if your informants were available to us, and of course to the fbi . no, it was tireless police activity that ah effected ah the arrest of the ah alleged perpetrator. "progress" is hard to define. i make progress every day. in fact, i'm making progress now. there are guys in this department make excellent progress for twenty years without ever getting anything you could definitively call a result. it's like any american industry. nobody minds if you don't succeed as long as you don't fuck up. objectives get lost sight of: fair enough. who did the two guys from providence? and what happened to jimmy pappas? are you happy with this result? yeah, but cui bono? who benefits. i think you are a cop, my son. all right, let's bring it in, please. come in please. our target is a major transaction of microprocessors. yes, those. i don't know what they are. you don't know what they are. who gives a fuck? cash will be handed over in a building which we have under av surveillance. staff sergeant sullivan's team. will id the bad guys and listen in on the phones. how long have we been tapped on this building? our unit will not take action until a man captain queenan has inside the operation has verified the transaction. questions? anyone? this is who we're after. we've been after this cocksucker for a long time, and tonight we're gonna get him. get to work. we've been after this son of a bitch for a long time, and we're getting him tonight. get to work. sorry to get you at the last minute. but things leak. this lead came from queenan's undercover guy. patriot act. love it. love it. i don't know. some chinamen from points unknown. they're already inside. why do you have a blind spot? it never crossed my mind. you get a camera in the back? search randomly for calls made from the area. narrow the area. you know, direct access to your fucking guys would have certain fuckin' advantages. don't tell me those cars were empty. please don't tell me those chinamen's cars were empty. do you have a camera in the back. can i talk to you a minute? congratulations. haven't seen a guy like you since me. you'll be transferred to internal investigations but you will continue to work right where you are in the special investigation unit. we are all convinced that costello has at least one mole in the special investigation unit. you'll investigate. everybody. anybody. we have considered all possible candidates. you have an immaculate record. some people never trust a guy with an immaculate record. i do. i have an immaculate record. play golf? that's a pity. pretty much sucks as a game but you get to form relationships. how's the wedding coming along? outstanding. that's good. marriage is an important part of getting ahead. you don't want anyone thinking you're a homo. married guy seems stable. people look at a wedding ring and think: someone can stand the son of a bitch. ladies see the wedding ring and know immediately that you must have some cash and that your cock works. i'm glad to hear that. do you know why queenan went to that building? everybody shut up. work with the tech guys to unlock the files. dignam. you take a leave of absence. queenan's dead. that makes me your boss. hey, world needs plenty of bartenders. two weeks with pay. no, you want those codes. what the fuck are you talking about? what informant? no. you give him to me. you know where he's going?