have i seen you professionally? i have an appointment on this floor. oh, fancy policeman. are you a statie? suffolk, nights? when was the last time you checked? i went to u mass. i wasn't insulting you. maybe you could shoot someone and i'd have to see you professionally. that's right. i see "violent offenders". that's one way to look at it. not necessarily. was your dinner ok? i'm waiting for you to make your move. why, does that make you uncomfortable? you know what freud said about the irish? if you actually do i'll see you again. don't you? some people do get better. sometimes, though, i want people to forget about their personal bullshit and do their jobs. if they don't do their jobs you don't have one. you're trouble. the light's nice here in the morning. it's all right. guys tend to make a big deal out of it. it's actually quite common. i know they do. that's an interesting observation. why do you? honesty isn't synonymous with truth. i expect sometimes. people. do it to keep things. on an even keel. did you? let's keep this with you. how do you know he was a cop? that's part of what i do. although, i don't normally see cadets who were kicked out of the academy. sometimes they cry if they had trouble at home or if they've had to. use their weapons. i looked through your file and i see you have a record of assault. what was it like for you in jail? did something happen to you? what do you expect from coming here? i know it's not elective. on your part. but, now that you're here, what do you want? if you lied, you'd have an easier time getting what you wanted. look, i think we better have a few more meetings before we can even talk about prescriptions. is this true? yes, you are. you can leave! fuck. why is the hardest patient of the day always the last one? look, i'm not just. somebody you have to see or they put you in jail. if you are in distress i will help you. my card. and a prescription for twenty lorazepam. maybe it is. all right? have i done my job up to your goddamned standards? because by my standards you fit the model of drug-seeking behavior, and fuck you if you don't like my initial clinical reaction. i'm transferring you to another counselor. good morning. i beat the movers. lonely. i'm gonna thank your uncle alphonsus for the square footage. french donut? sure yeah. what? company? why not? you do. i believe in public service. you like me living here? mayor sullivan's office. i'm sorry! i think it's a guy with a, ah, a cancer guy. you have a boss that has a laryngectomy? you're lying to me. okay, then say that. that's the movers. i do. i'm assuming you want to change things, you know, change the people you know, change the people you meet, change everything, anything. too many choices can see like no choice at all. so you do. something radical. yeah, you do. sometimes it's just a matter of picking a thing and doing it. oh, four months. about four months. it's pretty serious, yeah, it is. no more than i am. doctors aren't supposed to have illusions. ok, i'm in a serious, newly serious, relationship. there are. ups and downs. everybody has doubts, problems -- i mean doubts. i'd lie. to keep things on an even keel. you know all about it. how obsessive are you? are you okay? why are you here? i'm glad you want to see me. it's nice to see you. i enjoyed talking. i enjoyed having coffee with you, very much. but i don't see people. i don't see people in my home. no, it's, it's, it's not inappropriate. you're not a patient. i still have three weeks on the lease. that's me. would you like a cup of tea? do you want some. i've always needed my own place. no. i'm not "hedging my best". i told you when we had coffee. there's a choice. you choose. you have to make a. decision. and stick by what. you choose. you have to. yes. stick by what you. otherwise it's. i have to say that your vulnerability is really freaking me out right now. is it real? no. what's going on? okay, all right. and what about money? another city? it'd be a clean slate. not a bad idea, another city. i know. . i can't. i can't be a friend to you. i can't. i'm sorry. what is it? all right. i. we. i've, it's, been so confused. i just want to say. what? death is hard. life is much easier. open it yeah. yeah. it's not a joke, it's a human being. i thought i was the liar.