congratulations on passing the detective exam, and welcome to the special investigation unit. we won't be working directly together, you'll be working for captain ellerby, but i like to see everybody. you're a worker, you rise fast. you can sit. so. do you know what we do here? my section? staff sergeant dignam has a style of his own. i'm afraid we all have to deal with it. who said that? we have a question. you want to be a cop, or do you want to appear to be a cop. it's an honest question. lot of guys want to appear to be cops. gun. badge. pretend they're on tv. he's right. we deal in deceptions here. but what we don't deal with is self- deception. in five years, you might be anything else in the world, but you won't be a massachusetts state trooper. i'm sure of that. you don't have much family. during the war, churchill used river mines. he'd float them down the rivers into germany. they'd either hit something, or not. that's what we'll use you for. i'll float you down the river. the rest will happen. or it won't. by the way, this isn't police work for peanuts. there's money behind this operation. you won't be paid as a cop, but there is a bonus involved. tax free. we can't conceal that you've been a trainee. you'll be convicted of a crime. we're thinking that a guilty plea to assault and battery might make sense. you'll serve enough jail time to convince anyone that it's no set- up. you'll be on probation. the whole nine yards. do it again. for me. microprocessors. we'll probably be at war with the chinese in twenty- odd years and costello is selling them military technology. microprocessors, chips, computer parts. anybody says anything about anything like that, you let us know. hey. let's go through the routine. easy now. that was a joke, billy. be smart. if someone was watching how are we supposed to not arrest you? get in the car. keep your act together. it's just a little while longer. you shut up. we're building a case. it takes time. you know that. maybe. maybe. i want you to listen for any chatter about a spy in the special investigation unit. you hear anything like that? i'm afraid so. hang tight for me. just a little longer. we're this close. thank you, billy the readiness is all. you know the players, call the game. all cellphone signals are under surveillance through the courtesy of our federal friends over there. any calls? the buyers are there. not to my guy. hey, hey, hey. how are you, francis? i know she did. and your father called you the tumor. where are the real microprocessors, frank? i will get you, frank. sooner than you think, francis. what do you want? what are you doing here? the fbi? go around the back. go around the back. my wife's asleep. she left supper out. come and have something to eat. we'll talk in the kitchen. come and have something to eat. they can't. they are compromised. look who's here. the queen of the prom. what do you expect? everybody knows you're assigned here to find costello's rat. they want to find the leak as much as you do. what they do not want is to be accused of being the rat. two days ago, my undercover guy in costello's organization---- lots of luck. you can go over my head, high as you like. you still won't get an answer. as i said, two days ago, my guy nearly found out who costello's rat is. he lost him in the street. no. nah. costello can't do business without coordinating with his source. who is here. in siu. follow costello and you'll find his rat. you're going to be looking at my people. going through their bank statements, phone bills, medical records. don't expect them to get you a coffee or invite you to their houses. let me get you a coffee. follow costello and you'll find his informer. where are you now? no. of course not. i don't have a tail, billy. south station. wait ten minutes. i assume these premises do not have an anti-smoking ordinance. so, what's going on? what do you mean? all right, all right. i hear you. i'm sorry for you trouble. look, i'm not gonna jeopardize your safety any longer. i'll get you out. i can't do it overnight but i'll do it. we can bust him for what we have. at least i think we can. i hope. you're out of there they're compromised. they're fucked, just like this lighter. what? by who? impossible. take the back fire escape. i'll be fine. if you get made i can't protect you. go down the fire escape. now. that's an order. i'll be fine. can i help you gentlemen?