it was in the papers. and why are we graced with your presence? i'm sorry. i'm sorry for your troubles. i was at a funeral myself. myles kennefick, knew him in school. beat the fuck out of him seven or eight times as a matter of fact. you workin'? when did i see you after that? fuck, oh shit. i remember that, dude. i had that fuckin' buck knife, right, and i cut all the brass numbas off the doors at the hotel. i was trippin'. all of them. that was a night. yeah? my line of work. i'm not in that line of work just presently because i don't have ten thousand dollars. as a matter of fact i have never had ten thousand dollars. you know what we usually say at these moments. fuckin' ricans think they know everything. if they knew shit they wouldn't be puerto ricans. double the money, double the fun. cinnamon toasty apple bun. r is for ricans. p is for pigs. i can't stop drinkin. he don't like it. he don't like drinkin. he don't like fightin. . he says stay out of the bars. you know, we're not even supposed to do this on this side of fuckin' worcester. he says. costello says. god says, as far as you're concerned. not a cop. he got out of the joint three weeks ago. dead up. he talks like his shit don't stink but he's good people. uncle jackie was excellent.