whoa, let's say you have no idea and leave it there. no idea. zip, none. if you had an idea about what we do we would not be good at what we do. we would be cunts. are you calling us cunts? you have family connections down in southie. through your father. tell us about your uncle jackie. uncle jackie was a small-time bookie who tended bar at the vets in somerville. he got popped by nicastro in '95. they found his body out by the airport. closed casket? you tell anybody at deerfield - that is, before you got kicked out for whaling on a gym teacher with a folding chair - you had an uncle met his demise like that? i got a question. how fucked up are you? let's look at the rest of the family tree. your maggot uncle tommy costigan--he's another goof-- got busted selling guns to federal officers. among many, many, many other departures from, ah, "normative behavior". why are you pretending to be a cop? you have different accents? you did, didn't you. you were different fuckin' people. if i was i'd ask you why you're a statie making thirty grand a year. and i think if i were sigmund fucking freud himself i wouldn't get an answer. so tell me, what's a lace curtain motherfucker like you doing in the staties? a lot of em just want to slam a nigger's head through a plate glass window. sorry i'm late. ok. they're out there, my people. they're like the fuckin' indians. you're not gonna see them. you're not gonna hear about them except through me or captain queenan. you will not, ever, know the identity of undercover people. this shit hole, unfortunately, has more fuckin' leaks than the iraqi navy. i'm tired from fucking your wife. good. she's tired from fucking my father. ok, today, girls, what i got for you is microprocessors. somebody, as you may already know, stole one hundred microprocessors from the mass processor corp out route 128. they're the kind of processors they put into computers that can put a cruise missile up the ass of a camel from the other side of the planet. that's what they do out there on "america's technology highway". worth a hundred grand apiece. guy worked for the company two months walked out the door with a box of processors on tuesday, has a ticket booked for florida on wednesday, but on thursday he gets found in a dumpster. you know where this dirt ball started his life? southie projects. myles kennefick. got the job with a forged umass transcript. umass boston, which incidentally happens to be in. who forged your transcript, dickhead? we got a guy says that he hears costello is moving the processors to china. that he set up the whole fuckin' job and popped kennefick. you don't want to miss it if costello takes a dump. maybe. maybe not. maybe fuck yourself. my theory on feds is they're like mushrooms. feed 'em shit and keep in the dark. you girls have a nice day.