no problem. yes? no. no problem. sorry. jeremiah? i wanted to tell you something. oh my god! that's jeremiah! jeremiah bruce from school. he and his mom just went into that church. he must be in detroit for the concert. can i go say good-bye to him? i'm not going to wander. i'm just gonna go over there. he's with his mom. believe it. i have a confession. here it is. i didn't mean for that to be so. intense. forgive me. i've loved you ever since i first laid eyes on you, jeremiah. i've just always been too scared to show it. you don't know how long i've been waiting to hear that. jam! we've got to take this slow. oh, screw it! so. is it true that gene simmons had a cow's tongue grafted onto his real one? y'know, to make it so long? your man is the drummer, peter criss, right? i have all your notebook doodles memorized, jam. here. my dad's company is relocating him. we're moving. that's why i was acting so freaky in school today. i thought it was the last time i'd ever see you. anyway, open the box. i would have given it to you this morning, except. like i said, i was freaking out. i pass by this really cool tee-shirt shop on my way to school every day and i know you wear those black tee- shirts all the time. you look like a size thirty-five, but all the sizes were in roman numerals. so i got you an xxxl. that's thirty-five, isn't it? ann arbor isn't. that far from cleveland, right? that'd be great. hey, maybe someday your band'll play there. it's a college town, you know? let's not think about the past. let's just think about from today on. i'll never forget you, jam. coming dad. i'll call you. soon as we get a phone. bye.