anything for a potential tuition. to be given to charity of course. he already has. before enrolling you, jeremiah, let me just say it would be greatly appreciated if your career at st. bernard's was an uneventful one. some students believe they can get expelled through disobedience and recklessness. what they don't understand is even after god's vengeance is meted out, he forgives. that his devastating anger is followed by his nurturing compassion. in a nutshell, st. bernard's may punish you even for the slightest digression, but will never cast you out, even for the largest. so here you are, jeremiah. here to stay! let's begin the enrollment, shall we? jeremiah, are you aware you need to answer these questions, not just listen to them? jeremiah? please don't become difficult this early in your stay. i hate disciplining boys before i get to know them. ah, yes! send him in sister conimaria. well, what's the damage, pizza fellow? here's ten and i'm donating your tip to the church. the lord thanks you. and not a moment too soon. i'm famished. i hope you brought a lunch for yourself. well! it finally speaks. there's one barrier we've broken through. you know, your coming here reminds me of a gospel called the prodigal son. there was once a farmer who had two sons. both grew up on the farm, helping their father until. gyyaack! that was a very stale mushroom. where was i?. ah, yes, one day the elder son decided to leave the farm. so then, the younger one says, "but dad. i've been helping you on the farm my entire life! you never once slaughtered the fatted calf for me!" and then. forgive me, jeremiah, it's just that. i've been telling this gospel for years and. i just now realized it's the work of some comedy mastermind! the prodigal son is a barrel of fucking monkeys! a little to the right, pizza fellow. rock on! give my regards to the guy with the really big tongue! what the hell are you doing, sister gonorrhea, waiting for a bus? jesus h. christ, look at all the colors.