hawk, trip, and lex look up at father mcnulty's window. hawk drives, trip rides shotgun, lex and jam sit in the back. stoked beyond belief, jam pounds his drumsticks on the upholstery to the beat of a rockin' kiss tune playing on the 8-track. lex looks at the speedometer. hawk's got it up to ninety- five. the boys chomp on their pizza slices and chug cans of hawaiian punch. another raucous kiss tune blares. trip lifts a rubbery slice of pizza to his mouth and the top layer slides off plopping into his lap. lex is looking at the mess on the trans am's windshield and the anger in the eyes of its passengers. hawk starts the engine and takes off. trip pulls a baggie of weed and some rolling papers out. christine sits between jam and lex in the back snapping gum. jam and lex stare at her like cats looking at a fish bowl.