we go back to our homeroom for dismissal, unless you have a pass for sports or something. no. mr. gettys asked me to stay after class. mr. gettys closed the door. yes. he told me to sit in the chair beside his desk. i told him i was afraid i would miss my bus. he promised i would get to the bus on time if i would help him to do something. then he put -- before i could say anything -- he placed his hand inside my blouse. i was so frightened i didn't move. i thought if i was just quiet it would be okay. then his other hand went up under -- inside my skirt. his hand then, it started, he started, moving back and forth -- farther and farther inside my skirt. he said he was testing to see if i had any special feelings, that he wanted to find out what kind of feelings i had. i didn't know what to say, i was trying to think of something to say but i was confused and he just kept on -- with his hand -- moving it -- under my dress -- higher and higher. then i, i was asking him to stop but it was like he couldn't hear me -- he just kept on -- -- and then i screamed. then he, he got mad and said we would have to try again sometime. not with me. yes. yes. no. it's not my fault. no. no. once or twice. i don't know what the other teachers wanted. you'd have to talk to them. no. no. yes, but -- it's a joke. it was meant to be a joke. yes. yes. we only played it once. yes. that's not the way it happened -- these things did happen! they happened to me. i didn't want to be the only one!