eddie barzoon. managing director. how about a public flogging? you've made your point, john. be gentle, honey. these are normal people. your first? is this your first marriage? just this room. no bedroom. what's up, john? what the fuck did he do now? when did this happen? they'll fucking crucify him. they'll get in line. i gotta call meisel. i hope you're kidding. alexander cullen in a manhattan triple murder? with kevin? you're dreaming. you're a great judge of talent, john. you're the master. i just don't see it coming together. he's a business client. tell it to cullen. he's right, alex. people need to hear these things. okay, excelsior insurance, who's handling that? all this has to go. guatemala, sudan, cyprus. let's stay organized here. martin, no. devada holdings. that's all you're doing. believe me, it'll take all night. so did we. what a pleasant surprise. just a little housekeeping. if they ask, you never saw this. weaver. justice department. weaver commission. you don't know about weaver? how nice for you. you get my message? we need to talk. i hope so. can't turn over what you don't have, your honor. we've been conducting a comprehensive search of our records and i'm sorry to say it's a great deal less than mr. weaver would suggest. your honor, it's exactly these types of insulting accusations -- forget about lunch. this guy weaver is running me ragged. you're good at that. no. gotta go. saw you go in. congratulations. i'm not talking about the trial. how the fuck does your name get on the firm's charter? looks like it's been there for years. now you're a partner? when did that happen? i am still the managing director of this firm. you want my job? take me head on. backdoor me one more time and i'll take your partnership papers and stuff 'em down your throat. bullshit. you think you're tough enough to run this firm? fine. you tell milton next time weaver calls maybe i pick up the phone. you want the watch, old man? come and get it.