mr. lomax? helluva job today. i didn't want to disturb your party. actually, we were hoping to retain your services. we've been following your progress. you've never lost a case. that's exactly what we're looking for. we want you to come to new york. help us pick a jury. you'd have to start next week. all expenses. first class travel and lodging. you and your wife. a lump sum payment, regardless of verdict in the amount of, well. here. take a look. walk. sorry to keep you waiting, but mr. milton got pinned down in indonesia a little longer than expected. not bad, huh? you can play it cool if you want, but the first time i walked in here, my jaw was on the floor. we've got forty partners vested at the moment. close to six hundred associates. this is the home office, but we've got quite a few international arrangements, so mr. milton spends a good deal of his time in the air. in addition to our corporate clients, we're currently representing about twenty-five foreign countries. mid-east, balkans, central america, west africa. interesting work, but travel intensive. he's got you scheduled for fifteen minutes, which is a good sign, so make the most of it. gotcha. man, i just love that. i watched a senator piss his pants right where you're standing. he's waiting for you. good luck. mt. sinai hospital right up the street. some excellent schools. i doubt it was at the top of his list when mr. milton bought the building, but it's a great neighborhood for children. right here. i thought i'd let it speak for itself. it's what they call a classic eight. i need to warn you about one thing. there are going to be some very envious people at the firm. these apartments, there aren't many of them, it's really a partner's perk. you must've made quite an impression. what do you think? kevin lomax. pam garrety. pam was with the brooklyn d.a.'s office for fourteen years, so she knows her way around the local scene. she'll be your guide. you're gonna be expediting his new york bar application, right? who said he sleeps? sixteen thousand, two hundred and forty-two. you better get a semi truck. relax. we've all been there. we're gonna find some names for you. doctors. good people. last night in the park. he was running if you can believe it. at least they got the scumbags who did it.