pack it up, baby. you need a drink. no. i told you already, we're not gonna discuss that damn case anymore. done. am i right? -- what are you. i can't -- wow. '. rats on the west side, bed bugs uptown, i can't give it away on seventh avenue. this town don't look good in tatters' why, counselor. surely you don't think a small- town girl changes overnight just because a man buys her dinner in the big city. well, that's different, then. you're my kind of guy. your mother called. she has her bad feeling. what's up? you okay? something's up. oh shit. oh, kevin. i'm sorry, honey. what the hell did they expect? the man is guilty as can be. wasn't a jury anywhere gonna let him off. kev. omigod. you did it! omigod, kevin. it's so sweet of you to come by. you're kidding? what am i picking? are you really this good? they must want you pretty bad. sure. let's go back to gainesville. you can keep scrounging for clients and pumping out the basement and i'll keep repossessing cars for akamian. maybe, if we kill ourselves, in about five years we can afford a baby and a weekend shack at gulf shores. are you shitting me? you're late. all what? oh, that. it was gonna be a nursery, but then i remembered you'd have to be home long enough to knock me up, so now i'm thinking of building a law library. save the thought. we were due up there fifteen minutes ago. tell me i can handle this. say something nice. promise me you won't leave me alone in there. how the hell did we get here? not yet. i don't think so. who is that? who is he? deadbeats. i mean, that's what it comes down to. you can call yourself a finance trainee, or a financial resources adviser, or whatever, you're still spending most of your day trying to hammer car payments out of deadbeats. no deadbeats here tonight. what do these people have to be afraid of? not knowing who the deadbeats are. yes. i think you're right. for what? it's a wonderful opportunity for kevin. i'm not leaving a lot behind. bad subject. i haven't spoken to my folks in a long time. my sister ran all the way to germany. i tell kevin the only thing worse than not having a father was having mine. i guess i have. we're gonna be fine. it's gonna be great. sure. no. i mean, go ahead. you don't like it? you mean, you want me to pull my hair back? you're kidding. have you seen kevin? sorry. i'm looking for my husband. you left me there. i had a fucking panic attack until jackie told me where you were. three hours? you don't even call? you bailed on me! i was all by myself! this is three thousand dollars. must be real. yes. absolutely. real. i don't care if they can hear me! i don't care! i don't like it here. and these women, my god. i mean, i'm seeing things for crissake! yes! you hate it. no! it wasn't the wine. it wasn't the wine or my hair or talking to kathy, because i know that's what you're gonna say -- what about her? she's pregnant again. kevin, i never see you anymore. now that you've got this big case, it's just only gonna get worse. i don't know anybody here. these women scare the living shit out of me. if you can believe it, i'm actually looking forward to having your mother come and visit. exactly! you just go out -- you buy a few new suits and you're fine. i've got this whole place to fill up and i know we have all this money and it's supposed to be fun, but it isn't! it's like a test! the whole thing is like one big test! i'm lonely. don't tease me. you hate my hair, don't you? stop. where are you? kevin? how? what are you? you poor thing. how did you. how did you get here? are you okay? look at you. hello. hello. where's your mommy? what are you playing with? what do you have there? oh, god, no. no. please, god, no -- kevin's had his picture in the paper. nice to see you. that what you're doing when you're working late? you know exactly what i'm talking about. i'm going to bed. 'night, alice. i dreamt about this. right here. it's not a dream if it's true. you won't stay with me now. you won't stay. i know you. you'll leave me now for sure. get-away-from-me! they took my ovaries. i told you! my sisters have seven children between them. my mother had derek when she was forty-five. you could set a clock by my periods. i can't have children! the doctor! the other doctor. i was there today. non-specific ovarian failure. i know you. you'll leave me. it's these monsters, kevin. i dreamt this. eddie barzoon. i've nursed him through two divorces, a cocaine rehab, and a pregnant receptionist. god's creature, right? he let himself in. you need to know that. the bath running, or something, i didn't hear him. i swear to you. then we talked. we talked for hours. i haven't talked to anyone, really talked to anyone in such a long time. you have this whole life and all i have is me and he was so clear about it all. i came down here. i've just been sitting. i'm afraid to pray. i let him stay. i'm sorry. i'm sorry. i'm sorry, kevin. milton. he fucked me, kevin. i let him fuck me. i couldn't stop him. today. this afternoon. all afternoon. god, i'm so ashamed. i'm not crazy. i'm not. i swear. i know why this is happening. it's the money, kevin. blood money. we just drank it down. both of us. we knew it. winning those cases, taking the money. we knew they were guilty. but you kept winning. every time. i can't look at myself in the mirror, kevin. no. no. please. i loved you. honey, what are you doing? are you okay? can they do that?